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It's Saturday and Megan and I decided to go swim suit shopping. We didn't have any plans for the summer yet but that doesn't mean we wouldn't  go on vacation somewhere later on.

"Kate, we've been here for hours and it's already dark and foggy outside. Let's go home, we bought a lot of stuff." Megan wines.

"Yea you're right." We finish paying and we walk out of the mall arm in arm.

"We should have just taken one car. Well anyway see ya at home." Megan waves and walks towards her car.

"We could have if you didn't decide to come with me after I had already left." I roll my eyes. "Get home safe." I watch her drive off as I walk down the street to my own car. 

"Ah shit, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please stop." I hear a muffled voice further up ahead of me.

"Oh god, someone is in trouble" I mumble. My curiosity gets the better of me and I follow the grunts and weird noises. As I walk closer and closer, my heart starts racing. What if someone is getting kidnapped or bullied. I run toward the alleyway where the noises are coming from.

"Stop, please stop." Two guys were beating the shit out of the person pleading, covered in blood and laying on the floor.

"It's too late now, you shouldn't have stolen from us. Who sent you here." The fourth guy was turned around with his back facing me. His cold deep voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. He was wearing a dark blue suit that had blood stains.

Shit what should I do. I should just run away before they beat me up as well. I try to run but my feet don't move. I'm frozen.

"Hey boss, I think he's dead." One of the guys say with his fist covered in blood.

"Get rid of the body, then find out who sent him." The tall figure turns his feet around and faces me. He looks at me for a couple seconds trying to see through the dark. His eyes widen and then he closes them as he pinches the bridge of his nose.

I look closer at his face and my heart drops.

"Valentino? W-What are you doing here." My voice is trembling as I take a step back.

"For fuck's sake. I should be the one asking you that."

Just as I try to get away, he runs towards me and picks me up over his shoulder.

"Let me go!" I scream while hitting his back. "Where are you taking me!?" 

"Shut the fuck up. You're going to burst my ear drum." He says annoyed. He puts me down and places me in his car. He gets in and we drive off. The rest of the drive was silent. I was too scared to talk or ask questions because I figured he could kill me any second.

He stops and opens the car door, grabbing my wrist tight, making sure I don't escape, he pulls me in the house.

"Why the fuck are you shaking." He looks back at me.

"Why do you think, you just killed someone." I say terrified, yanking my hand out of his.

"Follow me." He walks up the stairs and I follow him. He smells like a mix of cologne and smoke.

He opens the door to a room and motions for me to go first. I walk in and I see that it's his office. There was a big desk with many files on it. The room was dark, gloomy, and big with a window in the back. He takes off his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeves as he sits behind his desk.

"Sit down." He orders.

I sit, crossing my legs as he looks down at some papers. His hair was messy and darker than before. His eyes looked dark and expressionless.

Valentino ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt