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"I'll see you tonight amore." He wakes me up, kissing my forehead as I rub my eyes.

"How did I get here?"

"You fell asleep on me downstairs so I carried you to bed with me." He says before turning around in his attractive grey and black suit as he glances at his watch.

"Wait! I want to come with you."

"Amore, I don't think that's a good idea-"

"Pleaseeee!!! I want to see your work place!" I plead him as I jump off the bed and I grab his hand to interlock our fingers.

"You really want to come?"

"Yes!!" I say with a big smile.

"Fuck." He pinches the bridge of his nose as he sighs. "I can't bring myself to say no to you."

"I'll get ready really fast! You can count to sixty." I bolt to the bathroom to get dressed.

I close the bathroom door behind me as I grab my phone and I run downstairs in a light pink thin summer dress.

"62 seconds." He gazes at me, staring at every inch of my body like its an art piece as I hurriedly put on my shoes. Something ruff slaps my ass causing a small yelp to escape my mouth. I turn to Val with an embarrassed expression as he grins at me, amused at my reaction. "You know, you didn't have to get ready that fast. I'm the boss, I can arrive whenever I want."

"Whatever." I mumble, shyly looking at my feet as I walk to his car.

For some reason my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest. My hands started to get sweaty and I was fidgeting with the bottom of my dress.

"Hey, calm down. It's okay." Val reassures my as he pulls up in front of a dark building. I stumble behind him as he walks inside and into a lobby area. There were big portraits of different people on the walls. The lobby was huge and kind of depressing. There was a big stair case in the middle leading to an open second floor.

"Val, why the fuck is Kate here?" Alex glances at me weirdly then looks back at Val as I follow them up the stairs.

"I can't say no to her. You know that man." He whispers back.

"Good morning Mr. Russo." A couple people greet as we walk down a long hall.

"Val." I pull on his sleeve to stop him. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Turn on the right after a couple doors and it will be there."

I quickly follow the directions and I open one of the stall doors. I pull down my white panties as I hear a couple pair of high heels clack against the bathroom floor as the door swings open.

"I don't understand why he won't pay attention to me anymore." A high pitched voice whines.

I know I shouldn't listen to other peoples conversations but I can't help it. I lower my head a little to see how many people walked in. There were three pairs of legs in front of the mirrors.

"I know right, ever since he came back from America he changed."


"I know, I noticed too. He stopped inviting me to his place." Another voice echoes.

"Hey, did you notice that girl that walked in with him?"

Why are they talking about me...

"Yeah, who the hell does she think she is, getting all close with our boss."

"Maybe she's his new secretary. Remember his old one got fired a little bit ago?"

"Oh yeah."

"Well either way we can't let them get close if you know what I mean." They annoyingly giggle as they walk out.

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