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"Kate, I'm going to miss you so much. It feels like you only came back an hour ago." Megan's voice cracks and her eyes fill with tears. She hugs me from behind as I pack all of my belongings into my bags from the apartment.

It has been a week since I came home to America but today I fly back to Val. It was nice spending time with my family, getting to bond with my mom, dad, and sister. Megan and I caught up on what happened during the summer while we were separated. Her and Jason were so happy together which was nice to hear.

"I know! We'll see each other during the holidays right?" I face her as I bite my shaking lip hard trying not to bawl my eyes out.

"Duh, I love you so much! I hope you have a safe flight and say hi to Selena for me."

"Of course!" I zip up my bags and I stand up as I look around to make sure I didn't leave anything behind. "You're moving in with Jason right? I don't want you to get too lonely."

"Yeah, he's getting a house for the two of us. He's so sweet." She smiles as she helps me get the bags out the door.

"Well then, bye-bye lovely home. We have had so many great memories here. You have the book with all of our pictures from the last couple years here right?"

"Yeah, I'll make a copy for you too."

"Thanks! I love you Megan, see you soon!" I give her one last tight hug before walking out the door.

"Bye!!!" She shouts.

one week earlier

Getting ready for Selena's gender reveal party was really fun but exhausting. Isabella, Carlo and I set up all the decorations and preparations while Aurora and Enzo made a huge vanilla neutral colored cake. Everything went smoothly, besides the fact that Val kept on being a distraction by tickling my legs while he was holding up the ladder for me to put up the cute banner.

Coming to Italy with Val has been one of the best decisions of my life. The only problem is that in one week, summer will end and the other day I secretly heard from Alex that Val wanted to stay here. I don't know what I'll end up doing.

When we were all done setting up everything for the party, I called Selena and Matteo to come to the backyard behind the pool. She looked gorgeous in her dress with her baby bump. Selena excitedly grabbed the gun from the table and shot at the big white balloon on the other side of the yard while Matteo helped her aim. The balloon popped open and blue little cut out hearts flew to us through the wind. She had told me the day before that she had a gut feeling that it would be a boy so she was so happy to find out she was right. It made me happy to see her in a good mood since she had been in physical pain for the past couple days.

"So what are you two planning on naming him?" I ask as I tightly hug Selena who was jumping up and down.


"Omg, I love that." I pull away and I kiss her cheek before hugging Matteo.

Selena told me that she called her parents to tell them the news of her pregnancy. Surprisingly they were happy for her and said they would come visit before the due date. Apparently the Americans and Italians became allies so her father was rather happy.

"Amore." Val catches my attention as he sits next to me on the hot couch that got warmed up from the sun.

"What's up?" I ask, laying my legs on him as he scoots closer.

"Well, wasn't there something you wanted to talk to me about last night?"

"Oh right... I need to get a job soon, I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life and do nothing for a living."

"I understand." He says seriously as he rubs my legs with his large hand.

"I need to go back home in the next couple days."

"What?" He says shocked as his eyes bolt wide open.

"Yea, I didn't think there would be a problem. I need to see my parents and I can't get a job here since I don't speak Italian. Are you going to come with me?"

His face brightens up after a minute of deep thinking. "Why don't you become my secretary. I need one and you're very organized, I think that would be the best option since you won't need to know Italian."

"Are you serious." I start laughing in disbelief that the thought even crossed his mind.

"Yes I'm completely serious. At least think about my proposal."

That actually might not be a bad idea...

We ended up talking for awhile and got on the same page. I was going to go back home for a few days and when I came back I would start my job as his secretary. I have no idea how that is going to work out but I also agreed since Selena needs me here for when she gives birth.

I quickly bought my plane tickets online since Val wanted me to be back as soon as possible. I packed my three big suit cases that very same night and said my goodbye's to everyone before going to bed since I was supposed to leave to the airport at 5 am the next morning.

present time

The flight back to Italy was long but worth it. Seeing Val's family house again made me feel relieved that I was back.

"Kate!" Selena runs over to me as I walk in with my heavy bags. "Welcome back!"

"I missed everyone so much!" I tiredly fall on her shoulders as the twins and Aurora come over to hug me and take my belongings.

"Nonna made food, do you want some?" Carlo asks with a smile as he takes my arm to get me inside.

"Yesss!" I say practically drooling at the smell of fresh basil and bread.

"Was today the kids first day at school?"

"Yup, you'll be able to see Enzo and Gabriella in the afternoon once they are back." A smirk appears on Carlo's face. "Look who's here."

I spot Val in sweatpants and a black v-neck shirt walking towards me as my heart beats faster with every step. A huge smile covers his face as I lazily but forcefully run to him and I tightly wrap my arms around his waist. We stay there for a couple minutes in a comfortable silence as he lays his chin on my head before I look up into his glistening eyes. He brushes my air out of my face and behind me ear as he gently grabs my jaw and deeply presses his lips against mine. I missed his touch and taste so much it was unbearable. Little sparks fly within me as I trail my hands up his firm chest and around his neck.

"Amore..." He says, pressing his forehead against mine and staring into my eyes. I love seeing him up close like this. I get to see every little imperfection which in my eyes is every perfection. "You don't know how painful this has been for me."

"I think I do." I say knowing exactly how he's felt in my absence since I felt the exact same sadness and loneliness.

This is a filler chap so in my opinion it's not that interesting but I just felt the need to add this in since I thought it was important to add the fact that Kate and her family are on good terms now.

Valentino ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang