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"Good morning amore." A husky voice says as I hear the door creek open.

"Noooo." I grumble as I turn my head to the opposite direction of him.

"You don't want to get up?"


"Okay then, I guess I'll eat these delicious pancakes all by myself." I hear him sigh.

"What?! Hold on!" I bolt up from the bed to see him chuckling at me. "What's so funny?" I ask with an annoyed expression.

"Oh nothing, you're just so cute." He says, putting down the big plate of pancakes next to me and brushing out my messy bed hair.

"Ugh what the fuck." I gag as I run to the bathroom. I feel a big lump come up my throat as I throw up in the toilet. I feel a hand hold up my hair as another warmly rubs my back.

"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"How could I know." I wipe my mouth as I flush the toilet and I sit down on the cold bathroom floor. I start thinking of possibilities before urgently lifting my head up to see his as we both look at each other in fear. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Fuck..." He furrows his brows as he pinches the bridge of hi nose. "Uhhh... stay here I'll be right back." He runs out of the bathroom as I put my head between my legs.

This cannot be happening right now. What the hell are we gonna do if it's true?

He quickly sprints back into the bathroom and throws a box at me. "I got it from Selena."

"Great." I say sarcastically as I read the instructions. I sigh as I lazily lift myself up and I sit my ass on the toilet. "Aren't you gonna leave?"

"If you want me to." He quietly closes the door behind him as he walks out.

I pee on the pregnancy test as a terrible gross sensation fills my stomach.

After 5 minutes, which felt like an hour of me trying to not have a total mental break down, I flip the test over and my body tenses up as I freeze.

"Val!" I yell as my breathing quickens.

He swings the door open and grabs my shoulders with a desperate look on his face. "So, what is it?" I shove the test onto his stomach as he looks down. "Hey, hey look at me." He whispers as he lifts my chin. "Don't cry." My teary eyes get wiped dry from his thumb. "This isn't a bad thing."

"How is this not a bad thing? I'm scared." My voice shakes as I tightly grab onto him and I press my face against his sweatshirt wanting to be comforted.

"Just look on the bright side, we get to have a mini us come to the world."

"I guess you're right if you put it that way." I lightly giggle on him. "But what about my job?"

"Don't worry about that. You just need to rest for now and once you're ready to work again you can go back, nothing will change I promise."

"I love you." I say as I look up at him with a pouting face.

"I love you more." He quickly kisses my whole face before picking me up and gently laying me in bed.


The whole pregnancy process was painful but fun since I got to be pregnant at the same time as my best friend. Val was overly caring and worried for me the entire time even during my terrible mood swings. After Selena gave birth to her beautiful baby boy Hunter, Val and I announced to everyone that we were having a girl and we named her Viola. My family including Megan, Jason and his family came to visit and we all had a great time. Everyone got along with each other especially Matteo and Jason.

During the last couple weeks of my pregnancy Val surprised me with a huge house of our own not too far from the family one. I was so happy especially since it had a pool and hot tub as well. It felt good having a project to do like picking out all the furniture and designing the interior to get my mind off of the going into labor part. Selena and Matteo moved out before us so it felt kind of weird staying in the family house anyway.

"Val!" I call out to him as I wobble in bed. "Are you coming? I'm tired."

"Yeah." I hear him turn off the water and he walks out of the bathroom in just shorts as he slips in bed next to me. "You're so gorgeous you know that?" He turns off the lights and turns to press his forehead against mine as he grabs my back to pull me closer.

"Yes, you tell me everyday." I smile as I rub his chest. "What the fuck was that?!" I ask shocked, sitting up and looking down at my legs.

"What?" He asks worried as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I-I think my water just broke." After a couple seconds of silence he gasps and sprints out of bed and grabs the prepared bag which had all the necessities for when I was ready to go into labor. "What do I do?" I yell as I start freaking out.

He quickly runs over to me and grabs my waist to help me stand as he puts his phone to his ear. "Hey... yeah come quick it's happening."

"It hurts!" I whine as I grimace in pain.

"Just hold on a little longer." He helps me down the stairs as he runs to get the car.

"Easy for you to say!"

After a lot of painful screams and an anxious disturbed baby daddy we arrived at the hospital and I was quickly brought to a room and laid on a bed.

The procedure started as Matteo, Selena, Aurora, Alex and the twins waited nervously outside the room. Val was next to me letting me break all the bones in his hand as I squeezed very tightly onto it the whole time.

After I was done with my last push and they cut the cord we both sighed in relief.

"Want to hold her?" One of the nurses asks me as I look at baby Viola. I nod my head as I tiredly extend my arms to her and I pull her to my chest. The nurse and doctor leave the room as I stare at her delicate face.

"She's so pretty, she looks just like her mama." Val says with teary eyes as he caresses her little head and looks at her like she owns his whole heart. It felt scary holding such a fragile little thing in my arms but I also felt an undescribable feeling of unconditional love towards her. It was amazing.

"Amore..." He grabs one of my hands and gazes into my eyes with his loving deep green ones.


"I didn't really prepare anything for this but I just can't wait any longer. I love you so much and I want to stay together for the rest of my life. Since the very first time I laid eyes on you I knew you were special and you were going to change my whole world for the better." I bite my lip as my heart melts. He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Will you, Kate Miller, marry me?"

My mouth drops and everything freezes around me as I try to process what he just said. Marry him? I don't like the idea of marriage but if it's with him I don't need to think twice about it. "Yes! A million times yes!" I wipe my watery eyes before lifting my head up to press my lips against his.

"I'm so happy." He says as he wraps his arms around his two girls.

Sadly this is the end :( I had a lot of fun writing it so thank you to everyone that's read it till the end and enjoyed my book even if it was just a couple people I still appreciative every single one of you who gave my book a chance.
Y'all should check out my other books too! ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

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