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Vote cuz I wanna know if ya'll like this story or not and if I should continue writing it. Love you guys!

"Hey." Val wakes me as he walks out of the bathroom with wet hair and a towel around his waist.

"No! I don't want to get up yet!" I groan as put my head under the pillow.

"It's already 11. Come on." He throws the covers off the bed and growls as he slowly creeps up on me.

"Stop!" I giggle as he tickles my legs with his quick kisses. I look down at him as a wide smirk appears on his face. "No! Don't even think about it!" I shout knowing what he's about to do.

He shakes his messy wet hair from side to side causing water drops to fall on me. "You asshole!" I push him off me and I run to the bathroom. Sometimes I wonder if he's lying about being 28.

I rub cold water and soap on my face as he walks in. He puts his hand on my hip as he reaches over me to grab his cologne and sprays it on himself. God, I love his smell. I squeeze toothpaste onto my toothbrush as I stare at his hot body.

"I know It's hard for you not to drool over me but you should focus on what your doing." He says and I look at him weirdly with the toothbrush in my mouth as foam slowly falls to my chin. "Amore, that's my toothbrush." He wipes the foam off with his thumb.

"It is?!" I take it out of my mouth and I realize it's not purple. "Oh..."

"It's okay, I don't care." He says as he combs his hair back. I quickly rinse it off and I grab mine.

"Why are you doing your hair?"

"I have a meeting today." He walks out to get dressed.

Kate get your act together. Just because he gets hotter everyday doesn't mean I have to make it obvious to him.

I walk out of the big bedroom after getting dressed and I run down the stairs. "You're leaving right now?" I ask as he gets in the Porsche with Matteo. He looks so different well dressed. His hair is slicked back and he's wearing a black suit. It looks so good with his tan skin and green eyes.

"Yeah, I'll see you later." He grabs my chin and presses his soft lips against mine. I kiss back as I rake my fingers through the back of his head. He cups my jaw line and pushes his tongue deep in my mouth. I let out a soft moan as I suck on his bottom lip.

"You both are like two horny teenagers, let's go!" Matteo scowls from the passengers seat.

"Bye amore!" He gets in the car and I wave as they drive off.

I sigh, walking back into the house.

"Enzo? What's the matter?" I ask as he tugs on my shirt worriedly and points upstairs.

"Selena!" He says with a cute accent.

Selena? I run upstairs and I hear sobs coming from the bathroom.

"Hey, open up, It's Kate." I say, knocking on the door.

She opens the door from the toilet seat and looks down with tears in her eyes as she sniffles.

"Are you okay?" 

"I'm-I'm..." She stutters.

"What happened?"

"I'm pregnant..." She hands me the pregnancy test.

I pause trying to think of the best reaction to chose. "Congrats!" I say a little too enthusiastically.

"No, this is bad! This isn't supposed to happen. How will I tell my father?!" She puts her face in her hands.

"Hey, it's okay, we'll figure it out. Did you tell Matteo?"

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