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Knock knock

"Fuck off." A voice growls behind me.

"Dude it's already 11 am, we have to get go- hehe what do we have here?" I hear the door open so I turn my head around. I see Val slowly open his eyes behind me while he holds on to me as tight as ever with his hand laying comfortably on my boob.

"What are you still doing here?" I ask flustered as I push him and I fall off the bed.

Why is Val acting like we're a couple. I don't remember falling asleep with him, I thought he left to sleep somewhere else last night. Only couples sleep together and we were far from that. That one night was an exception though because I was cold.

"Well then, I'll leave you two love birds alone." Matteo grins as he strolls out and closes the door.

I stay on the floor waiting for an answer as we both ignore Matteo.

"Micetta, this is my room." A smirk appears on his face.

"Your room?" Shit I guess everyone here actually thinks we're together.

Whining and scratching noises come from the other side of the door.

"Good morning Dolce and Dante." He opens the door as two big dobermans jump on him. "Aw, I missed you too!" He cheerfully says as they lick him. "So what were you saying?"

"Uh... nothing." I get up and rush to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and my messy hair as I try remembering why I was mad at him at the beach.

Well, whatever it probably wasn't important.

As I walk out of the bathroom, finishing the braid in my hair, I notice the bed was made and Val wasn't there anymore. I shrug my shoulders and open the closet to get dressed. Last night I had taken all my clothes out of my suit case and organised them. I feel the heat swarm in the bedroom once I open the sliding glass door so I put on a skirt and a tank top knowing it would be hot today.

"Good morning Maria!" I greet her as I walk down the stairs.

"Buongiorno, did you sleep well?"

"Yea, I did. Jet lag usually doesn't affect me much." It's true, I slept like a baby last night.

I walk over to the kitchen as Selena, and the twins were laughing.

"Hey Kate, you look so pretty today!" Isabella smiles.

"Aw thank you, so do you!" I say taking a seat next to Selena.

"Girl, you've been sleeping for hours. Did Valentino keep you up all night?" She smirks.

"What?! No way!"

"I'm so glad you're spending the summer with us! Val never brings a girl here." Isabella rolls her eyes.

That's right. I remember now. I need to ask him whether he has a girlfriend or not.

"I have to go take care of something, I'll be back." I say as I walk out of the kitchen.

Where would he be? I roamed around the house for awhile trying to find him until I bumped into Matteo.

"Do you know where Val is?"

"He's in his office, but you shouldn't go in. He's really pissed right now."

"Where's his office?"

"It's at the end of the hall but don't say I didn't warn you."

I walk passed Matteo and I knock at the door.

"Do your job and don't fucking call again!" He yells as I hear him slam his phone on a desk. "Come in."

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