Chapter 18- Tournament of Heroes

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It feels good to be back in Anthem.

            As soon as I got home I sprinted off the train and straight home. My mother nearly threw a fit over the fact I almost died and now have a super-powered nemesis and all but I could tell deep down she was proud.

            Everywhere I go people recognize me. I’m Dante Caslon, better known as Anthem Girl, the super heroine who first saved the city and just recently saved the world.

            Not bad for a soon to be junior in high school.

            I can barely walk through the streets without be mobbed by citizens asking for pictures and autographs. By the time I finally get to my destination, a café in the town plaza, I’m exhausted.

            The waiter at the café rushes me in and to a back table where my friends have been waiting, pushing back the crowds.

            “Hey guys,” I call out with a big wave. The whole gangs here, it’s the first time since the tournament.

            They all yell out a chorus of hello’s back. Luke’s talking animatedly with Brian, probably superhero business knowing those two, but I see my boyfriends gone through all the trouble of saving me a seat next to him.

            Ricky is sitting next to Jenna, my best friend and his girlfriend. She gives me a big toothy grin when she spots me. She had already called the night before and went over every detail from the tournament. Of course for her the important parts were the design of the uniforms and the best way’s the other superheroes styled their hair. Needless to say, I’ve missed her.

            The final additions to our team are David and Alex. I can’t help but be a little proud now that they’re an official couple. Sure David and I used to have a thing but I’m happy for the two. David has his arm around her and due to the natural chill Alex’s ice powers put around her I bet he’s freezing, but he’s taking it like a champ and has his signature smirk on when he spots me. Alex shoots me a smile too and it says everything I need. We’ve gone from enemies to awkward teammates to enemies and now, finally we’re friends.

            “Look at this. All my friends in one place,” I say casually with a smile as I plop down next to Luke. He pecks me on the cheek once and scoots his chair closer to him.

            “Not all your friends,” a voice from nowhere says. Suddenly out of nowhere, Zane appears from amidst the shadows.

            “Not yet,” another voice adds as she walks to our table. It’s Natasha with her bow and arrows strung across her back, her hair pulled into her signature auburn pony.

            Suddenly a whoosh of air comes through the plaza and Adam appears in front of the table, his clothes all messed up from running.

            “Dang it,” he says with a frown, “I knew I’d be the last one here.”

            “Guys!” I say as I jump out of my seat and run over to pull them into a group hug.

            “Oh thanks Dante, I see how it is. Where’s was my hug?” Ricky has to butt in.

            I pull away and walk over to give Ricky a hug as well, “Sorry but I got excited. I didn’t know I was going to see them again.”

            “We figured we’d stop by Anthem, since we were in the area,” Zane says as we all take our seats.

            “We wanted to surprise you,” Adam shrugs, “Guess it worked.”

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