New Kid in Town

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“This surprise better be good,” I grumble to myself as I walk through downtown Anthem. As soon as school had finished today Andy had called both Radley and I telling us to hurry and meet at this random address. She had been way too eager... but then again Andy is always eager. 

As I walk, a few people point and smile. From the corner of my eye I can see a couple of girls giggling as I walk past. Yep, I’m kind of a big deal around here. 

I’m a superhero, so pretty much the greatest possible thing you can ever be. Ever. 

I finally arrive at the address and it’s just an empty building along Anthem Boulevard, one small room with a conference table and a few chairs. Radley and Andy are already here, sitting down in the big arm chairs. “So what’s the big suprise?” I ask. 

Andy smirks, “You’re standing in it. Welcome to the new, official Anthem Force headquarters.” 

Woah! This place is really ours? It may not be much but the Anthem Force has never had a place of it’s own. “Seriously?” I grin, “How’d you pull this off Andy?” 

She shrugs, “I have my ways. Everything is already paid for and the gym next door has agreed to let us train there anytime we want.” 

Beside her, Radley smiles but he almost looks nervous. I’d expect him to be relieved that Andy solved the whole meeting in his living room thing. Andy really is amazing. She’s pretty, smart, and can punch really, really hard. Pretty much the three things I look for in a women. I don’t really know our status though, and that’s a weird thing for me. Usually, I’m not the girlfriend type of guy but for Andy... well for her things are just different. 

“This place is awesome but has a serious lack of cookies,” I say. Admittedly, I will miss Mrs. Wilson’s cookies. She makes a mean chocolate chip. 

“I’ll make a snack schedule,” Radley says. I’m not sure if he’s joking or not, for Radley sarcasm is like a second language, “But this place is really good for the Anthem Force. It’s our official place to meet and citizens can come in if they have questions.” 

“And it looks like we have our first visitor!” Andy gushes as the front bell chimes. We all turn to see and my mouth drops. 

“No one move,” I whisper, “It’s a ninja.”

I’m not kidding. A ninja has legitimately entered our headquarters. It’s a girl wearing all black, including a wrap around her head that only shows her eyes. Two broadswords are crisscrossed on her back.  But aren’t ninjas supposed to be hidden?The girl struts in until she’s standing in front of the table, arms crossed.

“Can we, uh, help you,” Andy says cheerfully. Beside her, Radley looks like he might pass out. What’s his deal? 

“This Anthem Force headquarters?” she says, her tone almost bored, “I was told to report here.” 

“And why’s that?” I say, “Did you hear we have a pirate infestation?”

Andy shoots me a look. Okay, no jokes then. 

“I was told you knew I was coming. The Ultraleague contacted your team leader. I’m your new teammate.” 

New teammate?! Both Andy and I turn to Radley, mouths dropped. 

“She’s not serious, it she Radley?” Andy asks. 

Radley shrugs nervously and lets out and awkward chuckle, “Um, surprise?” 

He is not serious. He did not bring in a new teammate without even asking us. Especially some ninja freak like this chick. “What the hell dude?” I blurt out, “A little heads up would’ve been nice.”

“I have to agree with Keith on this one,” Andy says, “You could’ve told us or asked if we even wanted a new teammate.” 

Radley’s nervously pushes his glasses up his nose. “I just found out yesterday. Luke said he thought it’d be a good idea and I made a leader decision.” 

Great, Radley finally decided to act like the team leader and managed to screw everything up. I don’t want a new teammate and I’m pretty sure Andy doesn’t either. We’re good just the way we are. 

Ninja girl let’s out a snort. “Ha! This is too good. Your own leader didn’t tell you I was coming. Well listen up, I’m here to stay so you better get used to it.”

Ugh, this girl is getting worse and worse by the second. There’s a long awkward pause. Andy and I are glaring at Radley, he just looks nervous, and ninja girl is just standing there looking too smug. 

“Fine,” I say finally, “Then what’s your name crouching tiger?” 

She shrugs. “I don’t give out my secret identity to just anyone. And before you say anything, I did my research on your little team. I know you guys all let the public know who you really are but I don’t roll that way.”

“Well then what’s your superhero name then?” I almost shout. Ninja chick isn’t making this whole new teammate transition any easier with her sparkling personality. Who keeps their secret identity from their own teammates anyways? 

She actually falters for a moment. “Uh.... I don’t have one. I think code names are stupid.” 

Of course she does. Then what does she expect us to call her? Ninja chick? Fine, if she won’t play nice I’ll pick a name for her. Ok she doesn’t have a name. No name. Noname. No-nah-me. Yah that works.

“We’re calling you Noname,” I say. She gives me a “seriosly?” glare.

“Well Noname I’m sure you’ll be a great addition to our team,” Andy beams. Andy’s always just so cheerful. Sometimes I like her for it and other times it makes me want to rip my own hair out. 

“Tone it down a bit, okay blondie?” Noname says before sitting down on the chair and putting her feet up on the table. Andy looks taken aback and I resist the urge to bust out laughing. I’ll admit that was kind of funny. 

Still, this is going to take some getting used to.

I raise an eyebrow at Radley who gives me a hesitant smile. For his sake he better hope this while new teammate thing works out. 


After the meeting I fly home. I’ve gotten better at the whole sputtering out deal and only crash land every once in a while. 

Wait till my parents get a hold of this. They’ll be cracking up when I tell them about our new ninja teammate. The girl had barely relayed any information. We don’t know where’s she’s from, where’s she’s staying, or even her real name. 

Ever since the Big Win my parents have been really supportive of my superhero career. They brag to all their friends how their son saved all of Anthem City from actual Ultraleague members and was offered a spot on an elite international squad. 

Both my parents were minor league superheroes in their day. Mom could manipulate fire and dad had super strength. Both were on teams as teenagers but never made it to the big leagues. As soon as they figured out I had powers I was pushed onto the fast track for superhero success. It was their dream that all their kids became world famous heroes. 

“Mom, dad, I’m home,” I call out into the house. 

“We’re in the kitchen!” Mom calls back. She seems really cheerful, almost too cheerful. 

I walk through the house but when I come into the kitchen I stop in my tracks. 

There, sitting at the kitchen table, is someone I didn’t expect. 

“Look who’s back,” my mother gushes, motioning to the person. 

He smirks me, “Happy to see me baby bro?” 

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