Chapter 7- Tournament of Heroes

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“It feels so nice to finally take a shower and get all that ash out of my hair,” Chloe says, stretching her arms and putting her legs up on the coffee table.

We’re all sitting in the hotel’s main lobby. Luke has his arm around my shoulder.

“I know. I do not like the fire,” Natasha says in her accent. I think now it might be Russian. “Too hot.” Natasha, by chance, had been assigned to Brian’s group as his C. Apparently she was some sort of whiz with a bow and arrow.

“Please, you have no idea how much that sucked for me,” Alex moans. She’s looked sick ever since the challenge and has been constantly fanning herself.

“I liked it. Sorry if it was too much for you to handle frosty,” a boy named Ethan says. He’s on Luke’s team as his B and is a fire bender. Needless to say him and Alex haven’t been getting along. I’m not too fond of the boy either. There’s something about him that’s just off. He has coal black hair and grey eyes and always has a smug expression.

Alex waves her hand at him half-heartedly at him and a shower of spiky icicles flies his way. Ethan catches the icicles in his hand and they evaporate away as steam.

“Your going to have to better then that Snowflake,” he grins. This sort of thing has been going on for the last thirty minutes and although I don’t particularly like Ethan I admire his creativity when it comes to nicknames. 

Theirs hasn’t been the only animosity though. Noah, the C on Alex’s team, has been giving Luke evil looks the entire time. Apparently his power is flying. What Adam had said earlier about people having it out for Luke must have been right.

“Are you guys excited for next competition?” Natasha asks the group.

“Yes I very excited for competition,” Chloe says in an exaggerated accent that mimics Natasha’s.

Ethan and Chloe start cracking up while Natasha just looks confused. “I do not understand.”

“She’s making fun of you sweetheart,” Alex says, still sprawled out on the couch.

Natasha’s mouth drops, “How rude!”

“I’m just kidding,” Chloe laughs but Natasha’s face stays dark.

“Let’s get back to our game,” I suggest, “Ok Noah, truth or dare?”

Noah looks around, “Dare.”

“I dare you to run around the entire building,” I say.

“Lame!” Chloe calls out. I shoot her a glare.

“Fine run around the entire building… in only your underwear.”

Noah looks uneasy. “Come on strip down,” Chloe yells.

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