The Gala

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Andy had to pick the most conspicuous dress possible. It was a dark red, covered in hidden sparkles that glistened as I walked, and was floor length with a slit up one leg. 

It fit, amazingly, but it wasn’t exactly the best thing to wear when you’re planning to invade a top secret meeting. 

Then again, I like a challenge. 

I had gone above and beyond to get ready, making sure I blend right in with all these rich folk. My dark hair had been straightened and pulled back into a sleek pony and I even wore makeup. I topped it off with a diamond necklace that I had “borrowed” from a local jewelry store. 

I’ll admit, I look pretty hot. 

But to blend in the true key is acting the part. That’s why when I arrive at the Adenine tower I hold my head up high and strut in like I’m the richest and most powerful person in the building. 

The event looks top notch. Everyone’s dressed in black tie, sipping on champagne, and laughing like it’s good to be on top. Ah the lifestyle of the rich and famous. I can’t help but admire some of the jewelry the women are wearing here. It wouldn’t be totally out of line if I left here with one more bracelet then with what I came... 

I spot Andy by the door. She’s dressed in a pale dress, shiny and pink. Ugh. Her hair is pulled back into a curly bun and she smiles as she shakes hands with the arriving guests. Next to her is her spitting image, well if Andy was twenty years older and as stiff as a board. Her mother I’m guessing.

I get in line, smiling as I shake hands with the mother. “Such a lovely event Mrs. Calloway,” I coo. When in doubt just act like you belong and lay on the compliments. 

She smiles back before moving on to the next person. I walk over to Andy. 

“Sup blondie?” I smirk. 

She looks at me with wide eyes. “Noname, is that you?”

Oh yah, she’s never seen me without the ninja suit. 

“I’m wearing your dress dumbass.” 

Andy’s face pulls into a tight line. “Yep it’s you.”

“My name is Mackenzie Moon but for tonight’s purposes I am Joy Tokiwa, daughter of a leading Japanese tycoon.” 

That’s my cover story and I’m sticking with it. These rich idiots will buy into any prestige I throw at them. 

“Alright. Keith and Radley are on patrol outside. I’m here in case of emergency although my mom is keeping a tight grip on me,” Andy says, voice hushed, “You have the communicator?”

I tap my ear where I’ve hidden a secret earpiece so I can communicate with my team. “Got it. Now if you excuse me, I’m off to go party.”

I waltz into the ballroom. The Adenine tower is the highest building in all Anthem and you can see the whole city from here. Finely dressed waiters walk around carrying caviar while the guests chit chat. 

Now it’s my job to find where this secret meeting is being held and listen in. I have a knife strapped to my thigh and killer intuition. I got this. 

“The tiger is in the cage,” I say, pressing on my earpiece. 

“When did we decide on nicknames?” Keith says over the intercom.

“It means I’m in,” I say, rolling my eyes. Excuse me for trying to make the night more exciting, “Now just to find the bad guys.”

“Good luck,” Radley says. 

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