The Hunt

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“Really Trent, I’m not in the mood today,” I grumble as my persistent school bully flanks behind me. 

“Poor Radley,” he smirks, “Is leading the Anthem Force too much for you? I knew a loser like you wouldn’t be able to handle it.”

I take a few deep breaths, trying to reign in my anger. My emotions are the key to my transformations. Any other day it wouldn’t be a problem but now it feels like I might snap any moment and Trent may become monster chow. Which, is actually starting to seem like a better option then keeping him around. 

This weekend Andy and Keith took down another Formula X super and that’s enough to warrant a potential threat. Anthem City officially has a super drug problem and as leader of the city’s super force its my job to take care of it. 

What are the odds that all this springs up as soon as I take control over the Anthem Force? Thanks a lot Dante.

I turn back to Trent who’s making this stupidly, smug face. Or perhaps, his face always just looks stupid. “Alright let’s hurry this up. I’m a loser, freak, monster hybrid. I’m not good enough for Anthem Force and my hair is stupid,” I say to Trent and his cronies, “Did I miss anything?”

Trent smirks. “Your glasses are stupid too.”

This sends his little followers into a fit of laughter while I trudge on through the East High halls. Keith goes to school here too although I rarely see him. He’s always surrounded by a group of friends or playing pick up football games in the amphitheater. Keith’s got this high school thing figured out. 

I’m still working to upgrade from the “weird nerdy kid” level. 

“This was fun, same time tomorrow?” Trent calls out, “Don’t screw up as leader too bad-ley.” 

I roll my eyes. Kudos to him, he’s finally learned about puns. 

How is it I can stand up to super villians destroying the city but not Trent? Maybe just one little monster transformation. I could roar, show him my fangs, maybe pick him up with my claws. He’d never mess with me again, that’s for sure... 

 No I can’t start because then I may never stop. I can’t resort to changing into a giant beast to solve all my problems. That’s not who I am. 

I am not a monster. 

Although sometimes it’d just be a lot easier if I was. 


After school I head straight to the Anthem City jail. It’s been the makeshift home for supervillians ever since the asylum burnt down and has been stocked up with extra supplies to keep everyone contained. 

I’m here to meet the chairman and finally hunt down the source of the Formula X problem. 

Noname is waiting outside, leaning against the wall and still wearing her ninja suit. I can’t help but wonder if it’s the same one or if she has a whole closet full of them like some cartoon character. 

“Why am I here again?” she asks as I approach. Well hello to you too.. 

“You’re new in town and I figured it’d be good for you to see more of the city. Especially the part where the criminals go after we fight them.”

Noname groans, “Yay. Nothing I’d rather do then go through a musty old prison.”

I ignore her and walk inside.

It’s basically a giant, two-story square with cells all around and an office in the very back. White walls, harsh lights, and stock full of supervillians with a personal vendetta against me. Let’s just say the catcalls aren’t exactly pleasant. 

“This is still nicer then any jail I’ve ever been in,” Noname says to herself. When she notices me staring she adds, “I mean jails I visited... duh.”

“Sure, whatever,” I say. It’s come to the point where I’m not even going to bother questioning her weird statements, “The Chairman is this way.” 

I lead her through the prison until we finally enter the Chairman’s office. He’s sitting behind a large oak desk covered in papers. A book shelf lines the back wall and hanging are a few certificates claiming awards from his time as a police chief. 

“Come in, come in. Take a seat. It’s nice to finally meet you in person Fracture,” the Chairman says, referring to me by my superhero name. 

“You can call me Radley and it’s nice to finally meet you too sir,” I say, “This is Anthem Force’s newest teammate Noname.”

I motion to Noname who’s staying back in the shadows, which I’m guessing are her natural habitat. 

“Noname,” says the Chairman, “Pretty name.”

“Thank you, it means beautiful sunset in Japanese,” Noname says as she hides a chuckle. 

I shoot her a glare to stop messing with him. She lets out a small huff before turning on a previously non-existent charm, “How do you do sir? It’s very nice to finally meet you.”

Her eyes light up, her body posture changes, her voice turns light and airy. It’s like a whole new person. Noname seems like she can lie and make you believe anything she’s selling. If she can put on an act this easily, how do I know anything about her is actually true? 

“Thank you. I’m sure this city will being seeing great things from you,” he says, “I hear you came to talk about the three recent attacks on Anthem.”

“We did,” I say, “I think we may have a Formula X problem on our hands.”

“Formula X?”

“Yes, it’s a super drug,” I explain. The Chairman doesn’t seem to have a clue what I’m talking about. How does an experienced ex-police chief not know about it but Noname does? I look her way but she refuses to meet my eye. 

“I’ve never heard of it,” says the Chairman, “What I do know is that all three have experienced memory loss. The last thing they remember is from months ago. Also, strangely enough, each one of them are runaways. We believe them to be gang members.”

So Formula X is being run through one of the Anthem City gangs. It’s not much but it’s somewhere to start. Tonight, we’ll start looking. 

“Thanks a lot sir, this is a big help,” I say. We say our goodbyes and then it’s back through the musty old prison.

“Come on beautiful sunset,” I say to Noname as we leave the prison.

She busts out laughing and I almost jump at the noise. I figured her natural setting was grumpy. “I can’t believe you guys are calling me that.”

“Well you can always tell us your real name,” I try. Noname shoots me a glare saying it’s not happening. “... Or not. So far we don’t know your name, where you’re from, you’re history. I don’t even know where you’re staying in Anthem or what school you go to. It’s kind of weird, us being teammates and all.”

“I like my privacy,” she snaps, “And some secrets are best kept hidden.” 

“So you have secrets do you?” I smirk. Not that it's any suprise really, Noname is all secrets I just never thought she'd actually admit it. 

“Of course,” she says, a little humor in her voice, “That’s one thing I’ve learned in my many adventures and misadventures.” 

I look towards her, pushing my glasses up my nose, “What is?”

She shrugs, a sparkle in her eyes. 

“Everyone has a secret.” 

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