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“I need to go,” I say as I began to grab up my things.

David looks on after me, the candlelight casting dark shadows across his face.“What are you talking about?”

I point to the fire and David follows my gaze. He knows about the countdown as well as anyone. “The city’s in trouble.”

“You’re really going to leave? Just like that?”

I step into the elevator as my mind flashes back to Luke and I’s breakup. Once again I was forced to choose between my city and my boyfriend.

But the choice was still clear.

“I’m sorry David. I don’t want to leave like this and I hope you’ll somehow forgive me when this is all over but my city needs me.”

I stare into David’s eyes until the elevator door closes.

As soon as I hit the ground floor I push back David and jump into action mode. My mind snaps to all the protocols. From police reports I learn the fire is coming from the Anthem Asylum. Not good. Keith and Andy will fly there. Radley will take the bus.

And as for me, I’m running for it. Thankful I always keep a spare uniform on me at all times. You learn a few tricks when you’ve been doing this as long as I have.

When I finally get to the pier it’s worse then I thought. The fire somehow freed everyone from the Anthem Asylum. Hundreds of inmates, the craziest and most deadly of all of Anthem’s criminals, are running around reeking havoc on the city. It’s absolute chaos as people run away from these killers.

And to top it all off it’s finally begun to rain.

“Holy…” Keith is finally left speechless as he takes in the scene. All my team has finally gathered around me. Although the police has taken some action we are the cities truly last hope.

Darkness seals the night as heavy rain mists up from the sidewalk. Dark figures run rapid as screams fill the air. The fire has gone out but it still smells like smoke and the only illumination comes from the police searchlights, casting a red haze over the entire scene.

But it may be too much for even us to handle: every villain from the last five years, simultaneously on the loose and thirsty for blood.

How am I supposed to prep my team for this?

“Dante, I don’t think we’re cut out for this,” Radley says as he takes in the scene wide eyed. Beside him Andy is hypervenalating.

It would be so easy to run. I could just leave this place, abandon the people of Anthem, and never look back…

“I know it looks bad but we’re heroes. When all hope seems lost it’s up to us to lead on. I know you may be scared but I’m asking you to be brave, not for me or for yourselves but for the city and these people. They need you.”

My team all nod. We know this is going to be different then anything we’ve ever faced before.

“Anthem Force, go!”

And with that my team springs into action. I stand back and tap my earpiece. I’ve never had to do this before but I won’t let my pride get in the way of doing what is right.

“Ultraleague Headquarters? I’m requesting backup…”

As soon as the call is made I hang up. It’ll be a while until they can come, maybe too late, but we need to hold the fort.

So I jump into the fight as well.

All right Dante, keep calm. You’ve been in sticking situations before just keep your… I’m stopped short as I come across a man with a lion tattooed across his forehead and a rusty pipe in hand. He grins evilly at me. All these pyschos probably recognize me as the person who single handedly put them behind bars.

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