Of Monsters and Men

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It smelt like a ham sandwich outside my locker and that is how I knew Trent Reyes had arrived for his daily dosage of Radley humiliation. 

I closed the locker door so I could look at Trent head on. He was a hulk of a guy, as tall as he was wide with a pug nose and borderline bowl cut. Two of his lackeys, much skinnier guys with equally unappealing faces flanked both his sides. 

“Afternoon Trent,” I say as I push my glasses up my nose. I’ve been doing this everyday since third grade and it’s come to the point where I’d just like to get it over with and go on with my life. 

“Oh someone’s acting fancy now that they’ve been elected leader, we got a hot shot don’t we boys,” Trent said, laughing to his friends, “What, did they forget that you’re a freak? The Anthem Force is supposed to be cool, not monsters like you.” 

Ouch. After all this time why does it still hurt every time someone calls me a monster? Especially someone like Trent? Maybe what hurts the most are the things we secretly fear are true. 

“Yes I can transform into a giant monster, very good Trent,” I say calmly, “I didn’t think you’d remember considering you have the IQ of a goldfish. Although, I’m not exactly sure why you’d want to get on the bad side of a kid who can transform into a two ton beast?”

“Cuz you can’t hurt me,” Trent smirks, “Lay one claw on me and they’ll lock you up with the other supervillains and monsters where you belong. They only let you be in public cause you say you’re a good guy.” 

I shrug. Trent does have a point, if I ever intentionally hurt someone I’d have a lot of trouble ahead of me considering my power set. Besides, part of my inner anti-monster campaign is trying to be as honorable as possible and that meant no hurting except for villains. And as bad as Trent was he was a few pegs short of super villain territory. “You got me Trent. We done here?”

Trent rolls his eyes, laughing some more, “Even when you’re human you’re a freak.” He nods to his crew and they walk away, but not before bumping into my shoulder on the way out. 

Ah Trent, a delight as always. I trudge onto my next class. No one says anything to me, some stare, others whisper. 

At least they’re not screaming anymore.

People used to be really freaked out about that fact I can turn into a monster. Like I was some hell spawned beast sent here to rip out their innards. It got better after the Big Win but people weren’t exactly lining up to get my autograph. 

Because no matter how much good you do, you’re still not like them... 

I shake away the thought. It’s one that comes often. People don’t want a dark hero. They like classic heroes like Andy and Keith, people with charming smiles and are the city’s golden kids. I’m more like the disfigured uncle they let tag along because he helps get the job done. 

At least I have a fan club just like Andy and Keith... only mine is made up of primarily goth kids who pretend my monster eats people. Yah, they’re a real fun bunch. 

But it’s whatever. I don’t have to listen to kids like Trent. I know who I am. I’m the leader of Anthem Force who risks his life everyday so Trent won’t be vaporized by a crazed super villain. 

Ugh. I’m the leader of Anthem Force. It’s still taking some getting used to. It’s not that I’m not grateful to Dante for leaving me the gig it’s just I’m not good at it. Ok I suck at being the leader and so far I’m not even sure I want to be. 

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