Chapter 6- Tournament of Heroes

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One second I’m standing in front of a burning building, the next thing I know I’m back at the Hall of Heroes, standing on the stage in front of a crowd of people.

I’m suddenly self-conscious over the fact that I’m still in my pajamas. Adam on the other hand, who is standing next to me, seems oblivious that he’s only in his boxers.

“Congratulations,” Ultroman comes onto the stage, “All of you have successfully completed your first mission.”

I look down the line. I see Brian, Luke, and Alex but there’s no sign of Ricky. Everyone is wearing pajamas and have black marks all over themselves. We hardly look like the country’s most aspiring young heroes.

“Six teams have been eliminated,” Ultroman continues, “They are to be sent home immediately. Now that we have weeded out the weakest from here on out the competition will be televised. Don’t worry though; today’s event will remain unaired so your secret identities will remain anonymous because we all know how sacred those are.” When he says the last part I swear he looks at me.

Ultroman walks down the line of contestants offering smiles and looks of approval. When he walks by Adam he looks over his choice of boxers and gives him an uneasy look.

“Also, from now on you will have no contact with the outside world. No phones, internet, letters. If any of you are found to break this rule you will be eliminated immediately.”

There are a few murmurs from the line but no one objects. “Now I won’t keep you much longer but there is one last thing. All of you are to report to an assigned room before going back to your hotel so that you can officially meet your team. I expect you all to be on your best behavior, remember the world is watching.”

With that Ultroman leaves the stage at the line dismisses. I run over to Luke who has black streaks going all down his face and is only wearing a white shirt and sweatpants.

“How’d you do,” I ask, using my pajama sleeve to wipe off his face.

“It was great Dante. Chloe figured out the location of the girl right away and then I flew down and saved her and Ethan put out the fire with his powers with plenty of time left,” Luke rambled as if recalling the details of an exciting sports game.

“Nice. Mine was a little closer,” I smile. Suddenly a girl walks up to Luke and gives him a hug.

“Lukey,” the girl squeals, “Can you believe we did it?” I make eye contact with the girl and recognize her immediately. She was the one I had run into the last night. The one who had felt it necessary to be invisible in a crowded room.

“Chloe this is Dante. Dante this Chloe,” Luke introduces us.

Chloe gives me a sour smile. “Nice to meet you.”

“Same,” I say sternly, “I’m going to go find Ricky.” Luke waves me goodbye and says he’ll meet up with me later.

I find Ricky in a crowd of people trying to find their stuff in a giant pile of bags. He already has his.

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