"No more levitating Dante"

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“Great work Ms. Dante.”

            “Thanks Anthem Girl, I mean Dante.”

            “Yah Dante you’re the best.”

            The compliments went on and on as I walked through the hallway of the hospital. After my identity had been revealed at the bank the news did a report on it so now pretty much everyone knew the girl behind the mask.

            They had rushed me in too, I was x-rayed and diagnosed with a sprained wrist before I could even give them my medical information. They had put a cast on right away and said it was on the house. I didn’t even know a hospital could do that but I guess you get special treatment when you save the city from ultimate destruction.

            I had taken a few pictures and signed a few autographs, Luke staying by my side the entire time. Of course he was still in his Superkid costume so he got the same amount of fans goggling over him.

            Finally I signed some paperwork and we were free to go.

            We walked down the final hallway and I froze when I saw a figure casually leaning against the doorway.

            “Uh hey mom,” I waved awkwardly. Did she know? She had to know right? Oh please don’t know. She was going to kill me.

            My mom stood up straight and walked over to us, pulling down the top of her scrubs. “Hi Dante, or should I say Anthem Girl.” Yep she knew.

            “Look mom I’m so sorry I’ve lied to you and been putting myself in danger and-“

            “Dante, Dante,” she stopped me, “I’ve known for a long time.”

            “You what?” My mouth gaped open, I thought I had done such a good job of keeping my secret. I looked at Luke and he seemed equally shocked.

            “Oh please,” she laughed, “Did you really think that flimsy piece of plastic you call a mask would keep your own mother from recognizing you?”

            “Uh yes,” I said pathetically, “How mad are you?”

            My mom sighed and pulled me into a hug. “I’m not mad Dante,” she whispered, pushing my hair back, “You’ve helped so many people, what mom wouldn’t be proud. Your dad would be proud too.”

            “Thanks mom,” I pulled her in closer, “Oh and this is Luke or as you know him Superkid.”

            Luke stuck his hand out and shook my moms hand, “Hi Ms. Caslon.”

            “Nice to meet you Luke,” My mom shook his hand. “He’s cute,” she mouthed when Luke turned the other way.

            “Well we got to go finish up some business, I’ll see you when I get home,” I grabbed Luke by his hand and started to pull him out the door.

            “Your curfew is still eleven,” she called after me. Great, I was probaly the only superhero in existance with a bedtime. 


            We landed with a soft thud in the middle of the plaza, it was swarmed with paparazzi and police.

            We made our way through the people, ignoring the gasps as they saw us, until we found Brian and Ricky.

            “I call first signing the cast,” Ricky blurted out as soon as he saw me.

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