Old Acquaintances

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“David?” I ask, “What are doing here? I thought you left Anthem City a long time ago.”

David steps into the light and I almost gasp, he’s changed a lot in the last two years. He’s no longer the lanky kid I met on a rooftop so long ago. He’s still tall but now it’s filled in with hard muscle. His black hair is trimmed close to his head but he still wears an all black body suit and mask.

“I’ve been around,” he says, “But in the underground, you know how it is.”

“I wouldn’t actually. You’re not into, uh, you know…”

David rolls his eyes, “I’m not a villain again if that’s what you’re asking. But then again I’m not really playing for the good side either.”

I wrinkle my forehead. “Then whose side are you playing for?”

David smirks. “Whoever pays me more.”


“So, how’s the new team going?”

“Oh shut up David, you know fine and well how they’re going. It’s not the same since you all left. We’re on a mission right now, actually.”

“I know.”

“You know?”

David pulls out two staffs from his pocket and begins to swirl them around, striking different poses. “Yah, the police force hired me to take out the same guy you’re after.”

“Wait, what? They hired you? Why would they do that?” I yell.

Nightshade looks uneasy. “Because they actually want him captured and your team doesn’t have the best track record.”

“They don’t think we can do it!” I growl, “Oh I’ll show them.”

“If it means that much to you he’s all yours,” David says.

“I don’t want your handouts David.”

“Eh, you need all the help you can get. Your not really the same since the… accident.”

“I’m fine,” I growl.

David looks like he’s not buying it. “Whatever you say Dante. It was nice seeing you, I’ll have to check in on you later.”

I’m not ready to let him go but he takes a running start and jumps to the next building over, only turning back to give me a small salute before disappearing in the shadows.


“Sorry I’m late,” I tell my team in the lobby of the building, “I ran into an old… friend.”

“Friend? Who?” Andy asks, her short blonde hair bouncing as she shakes eagerly.

“It was Nightshade.”

Even Radley gasps at the news.

“Nightshade, no way!” says Keith, “He’s like a legend.”

“Yah he’s just awesome but it’s mission time right now so that means we need to focus,” I command, “The distress call said the disturbance was coming from upstairs so we’ll need to go investigate.”

I lead my team up the stairs with hurried steps, it’s not long before the smell of smoke reaches me.

“Hurry,” I say as I run down the nearest hallway, “Split up. Check for citizens and get them to safety. That’s the first priority.  If you think you’ve found the culprit radio it. Okay, Anthem Force Go!”

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