Date Night

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“I have a  date tonight!” I squeal to Lexi as soon as I hang up the phone. Keith has finally called me. A call I had been waiting for all summer. 

“Yah girl!” Lexi says, giving me a high five, “About time.”

Lexi is Dante’s old roommate who I befriended this summer. Now that Dante’s gone we’ve been filling the void for each other. Currently we are sitting in her apartment and looking through magazines as she points out what's going to be in and and what's not this winter. 

“I can’t believe he wants to go to dinner,” I grin. Keith, the boy who makes me want to punch him and kiss him simultaneously, has finally asked me out. 

Lexi looks up, “Wait. Is it friends dinner or more then friends dinner? There’s a difference you know and boys aren’t always the best at clarifying.” 

Shoot. I had just assumed. He had asked if I’d want to get a bite to eat. I like him, he like me, it’s a date right? Ugh, I wish I had more experience in this sort of thing- I wish I had any experience in this sort of thing. “I don’t know, how do I figure it out?”

“Just act casual,” Lexi tells me, “If it’s meant to be something more, more will happen.”

Easy for her to say, Lexi speaks boy like a second language. I’m going in blind. 

“Will you help me get ready?” I say. 

Lexi grins. “Of course, it’s my specialty!” 

She’s not lying. Keith and I are only going to grab burgers at a local joint but she makes me look perfect. I borrow a nice blouse of hers, high waisted shorts, and a pair of sparkly sandals. Lexi does my makeup and straightens out my hair, a rare change from my usual pigtails. She even manages to snip around the burnt parts from when Noname let me take a hit for her the other night. 

When night finally comes around I look great and have listened to more then enough of advice from Lexi. Date or not, I’m ready to rock this. 

We meet at the grill. Keith doesn’t have a car but it’d be pointless anyways considering we both can fly. The grill isn’t in the nicest part of town. It’s a little worn down, ancient brick walls with scribbled on graffiti and torn leather benches. If my mother saw me here she’d freak and lecture me on proper hygiene conditions. 

“Hey,” Keith grins when he finally sees me, “I’m glad you could come.”

He looks good, hair actually combed and wearing a nice button down with his jeans. I rarely see him out of the Anthem Force uniform.

“Of course,” I smile. Shoot, didn’t Lexi say something about not coming off too desperate, “Classy place you picked out.”

A few of the other restaurant goers, a tough looking gang of people, shoot us a few glares. Whether it’s because we’re the local superheroes or we don’t exactly fit the scene I’ll never know. 

Keith almost looks a little embarrassed. “Sorry I know it’s not the nicest but it has the best burgers in town. Plus I’m pretty sure you can handle your own against any of the ruffians here.” 

“Ruffians?” I laugh as we find an empty table, “That’s a new one. And don’t worry about it. I like it, this place has charm.”

Keith glances around the smokey room filled with tough looking “ruffians” and smirks. “Yah charm. That’s one way to say it.”

I laugh. This is nice. Keith is being nice. I’m still not sure whether this is a date or two friends hanging out but regardless I’m enjoying myself. We each order a chili burger, me ignoring something Lexi said about eating like a lady, and when it comes I find that Keith is right, it is the best burger I’ve ever had in town. 

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