"Suprised to see me Ice Queen?"

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It definitely looked like a crime scene when I got there. Swarms of policemen taped off the entrances while helicopters circled the whole area. Crowds of people pressed the line of officers trying to see what was happening.

I push and shove my way to the front. What I wouldn't give to have Luke's power and be able to fly over all these people? "Move it please. Superhero coming through!" I shout as I'm tossed back and forth between the masses. Oh boy... 

Somehow, miraculously, I manage to muscle my way to the front. The police officers shoot me a few glares when they see someone trying to hop the line, but once they realize who I am they offer me a hand. The Anthem City police and Anthem Force had an unspoken agreement. They handle the typical crimes and we deal with the super powered criminals, for the most part at least. Sometimes we help out with the petty stuff and the police sometimes lend us a hand as well. In the end, we are all on the same team.

          I sneak my way through the back door, deciding to play off my tardiness as the element of surprise, and crouch behind a reception desk in the lobby. The bank is a massive marvel- high ceilings, stained-glass windows, marble tiles- and currently there is a helicopter parked in the middle of the foyer.

Terror Troop.  I can tell just by looking at the scene. They're kind of our arch nemeses- a group of teen super-powered villains who just love to cause mischief.  The Terror Troop specialize in robberies and random acts of violence; they leave the whole “taking over the world” to the adult villains. Brian suspectsm though, that the adult super villains help sponsor the Troop’s mischief by giving them supplies- ergo the helicopter.

Meanwhile the adult superheros won’t even waste their time talking to us. To them we are just a bunch of kids.

Sneaking into the main room, I suddenly shiver at a drop of temperature.

          “No not her. Out of everyone they had to send her,” I groan.

          There, standing in the middle of the room, is a girl about my age. Her bleach-blond hair cascades down past her pale skin and equally white jumpsuit, her head thrown back in laughter. She goes by Snowstar and her powers are as cold as her heart. Out of the entire terror troop she is the one I loathe the most.

          A frosty mist surrounds her, turning everything in sight frozen solid. Little icicles drip down from the ceiling and frost covered the tiles.

          Suddenly Brian is in front of her, two giant desks floating behind him. Brian's a telepath, able to move things with his mind, create minor explosions, and sometimes able to exert his will onto others if he concentrates hard enough. He punches once with his left fist and once with the right, the two desks flying at Snowstar with each motion. Snowstar simply sways her left arm, as if browsing a clothing rack, and the desks freeze and fall to the floor.

          “You’re going to have to do better then that Brainwave,” Snowstar cackles, referring to Brian as his superhero name, “I’ve already frozen your friends.”

          I look to the where Snowstar motions and there are Luke and Ricky as two superhero popsicles.

          Snowstar sneers at Brian, “And you're next.” I hadn’t realized before but Brian’s feet are starting to freeze up to his ankles. Even my own shoes, despite the distance, have begun to stick to the tile.

          It's now or never.

          I leap out from the behind the desk and throw a pile of small metal balls from my belt at Snowstar. They explode on impact and Snowstar falls backward, the mist disappearing at once.

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