The Reckoning

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We’re hidden in the shadows, hoods up, and ready for battle. 

On the other side of the door is our lost teammate, who has been mind controlled for who knows how long and at the mercy of Winters. 

“You guys ready?” Radley asks, his voice hushed. 

Keith and I nod. “Let’s go save Blondie.”

Keith grins raising his hand and zapping the door with a lightning bolt. It flies back and we rush into the dimly lit apartment. There’s a faint blue glow coming from one of the back rooms. 

“W-who goes there?” a deep voice says. 

Suddenly, like a gust of wind, there is a boy standing in front of us. Hazel hair, tall, and whited out eyes. 

“Ah bro,” Keith sighs, “What did they do to you?” 

Keith’s brother doesn’t say anything, his head twiching a few times to the side at superspeed. Freaky.

“Don’t mind him children,” a new voice says, “He’s a little glitchy. Formula X was never meant to be used on people with pre-existing super powers.”

It’s Dr. Winters, wearing a grey suit and his telltale thin glasses. Andy is flanking behind him, grinning, with her eyes doing the same all white thing. 

“Let them go!” Keith shouts, “Or else we’re going to... uh, kick your ass. and the whole Reckoning’s ass”

Dr. Winters chuckles, “Don’t you see boy,? I am the Reckoning.”

It all makes sense, one man behind it all brainwashing whoever he needed to to get his way. The dudes a crazy mastermind bent on taking over the world. 

Dr. Winters continues, “So this is the famed Anthem Force, I’ve done my fair share of reading up on you, carefully adjusting my plan so that you might not interfere. Only, you are no threat to me now.”

“And why’s that big guy?” I snap, pulling my biggest, sharpest blade from it’s sheath and pointing it in his direction. 

He motions for Andy to step forward. She looks so different. She’s always so perky and sunny it’s nausating, but that girl is gone. I remember back when we infilitrated Vertigo headquarters. Andy had almost gone over the deep end. She sort of looks like that now, like she might snap all our necks in a milisecond and not think twice. 

“Andrea was you’re only threat, the only one who could stand a difference among your little team of children. And now she’s mine,” he grins,. Uh, ew! I’m about to go over there and wipe that smug grin off his face but it looks like Keith is going to beat me to it. 

“Andy is a person, she can’t belong to you and neither can my brother. So let them go!” he grits as he raises his hand, electricity sparks off like wildfire, dancing in the shadows of the dim apartment. 

“I wouldn’t if I were you,” Dr. Winters chides but it’s too late, Keith sends a deadly ball of energy right at Winters head. 

There’s a blur. Dr. Winters is now standing on the other side of the room by the door and the ball makes a huge explosion in the wall. Damian is standing loyally by his side. “They’re given strict orders to protect me. It’s a shame you had to be difficult,” he says, “I wasn’t planning to put my schemes into action until the end of the week but it looks like I’ll have to start everything sooner, tonight in fact.” 

Uh oh, we’re in trouble now. His master plan, the huge army of supers, Anthem’s destruction, it’s all going down tonight. This is too much, especially for me. I never wanted to be a superhero.

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