New Beginnings

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VOLUME III: Hero Rising

“Will you shut up Keith? I’m trying to drive.”

I stomp on the gas, my actions jerky from my anger, and press on towards downtown Anthem.

From the backseat I can hear Keith let out a giant grown. “I don’t see why I have to drive with you anyways. I’d be there by now if you just let me fly.”

      “Because last time I let you fly you used all your energy getting there and ended up passed out in a Loco Taco trash can while a giant lizard took out the east side.”

      From the passenger seat Andy lets out a snort and I swear even Radley cracks a smile.

      “Whatever,” Keith says, “Just because you’re jealous you can’t fly Dante doesn’t mean you need to take it out on the rest of us.”

      Andy snaps her head in my direction, her eyes wide as she awaits my reaction to such an outlandish retort.

      “Believe me Keith, if I was ever to get all bitter about my lack of flying ability it would have been long ago. Now stop complaining and listen to me for once,” I say calmly as I pull onto the main street, “I checked the police scanners and currently Dynamo is attacking downtown. He likes his explosives but he’s gotten smarter throughout the years so be ready for anything. What’s the number one rule?”

      “Always keep public-,” Andy says eagerly, practically bouncing in her seat.

      “I know you know,” I interrupt, “But I need to make sure Keith knows. What’s the number one rule sparky?”

      “The superhero name is Jolt,” he cuts in, “And the first rule is always keep public safety a priority. Blah, blah, blah I know we’ve been through this before.”

      “Just making sure,” I say, “And Radley? What are you supposed to remember?”

      I peek in my rearview member. The scrawny redhead looks up and drawls out his order. “Don’t get offended when the kids scream. I’m saving them so I can look as hideous as I want.”

      “And wait till they see you after you transform. Then they’ll be even more terrified,” Keith snickers.

      Both Radley and I choose to ignore him.

      “What about me?” Andy asks. Her short blonde hair bounces up and down and I can see her green eyes are as wide as saucers behind that mask of hers.

      “Same as always. Keep a calm head, fight smart, and trust your abilities. You’ll do great,” I say.

      Andy beams, “Thanks Dante, you always know just what to say.”

      “Gag me,” Keith murmurs from behind.

      I slide my car into the main plaza. People are running in all directions and smoke rises from the buildings. In the center is an overweight man in black overalls. Dynamo.

            A few years ago Dynamo was a b-list villain that I would roll my eyes at but now I couldn’t be more grateful it was only him. We might actually stand a chance.

            “Alright, Anthem Force go!” I yell as I jump out of the car.

            Andy is the first one out as she soars into the sky. She’s a regular powerhouse packed with flight, speed, and strength. She could do a lot of damage with those powers if she just ever learned to control them.

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