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The gryffindor team had their first game, Prim felt as if it were yesterday and she was back in her third year nervous for her first ever game. Now it was the peak of the war, a cruel war.

James and Prim once again were unstoppable scoring left and right against hufflepuff

It was no shocker to the school that the gryffindor team won, they were all the definition of overly confident and obnoxious especially when it came to quidditch

Regulus watched her play, he stood out with the slytherin team as they all tried to come up with a strategy. He watched in adoration, the way she was so effortless, the way she threw the quaffle as if it was never going to fail her.

Regulus watched as Sirius was the first person she hugged once they won, then mudblood Evans and halfblood McKinnons

"Godric what is this team going to do next year" Dorcas said at the dinner table

"Dunno after you all leave im quitting the team" Prim shrugged

"You cant Prim you're first pick for captain" James wanted her to take on after him

"Yeah let me just train a new seeker, beater and chaser"

"Prim if anyone can do it you can" Remus tried to encourage her

"I'll worry about that when the time comes"

"Good job today Primrose" Regulus gave her a quick kiss before going back to the Slytherin table

"Why does he call you that" Marlene tried to hold in her laugh

"Thats her name Marlene" Lily scolded her

"Merlin Primrose reminds me of that shy girl on the train your first year" Sirius said in a tone that was not approving

"So much has changed, everything as changed" James looked at his food

"Sometimes I like to think we're still the kids we used to be" Prim shrugged

Under the table Prim grabbed her ring, she needed to feel his heart.

As the cold air came in the war started getting more intense, and the castle just seemed cold and dark at all times

"Are you coming to my game?" Regulus asked her as they laid on his bed

"I can't it's Sirius' birthday and Remus has this whole thing planned out for him" She answered

"Right I should've known better than to ask you" His mood changed right away

"It's literally his birthday what do you want me to do" She started raising her tone

"I don't know maybe fucking choose to support me"

"Why are you being like this Regulus"

"Oh right it's always my fault, my apologies Avery for making you upset" he sarcastically said

"Why the fuck are you putting words in my mouth" she got off the bed and he did the same

"Just go, go be with him, why the fuck are you even with me when he's the one you so clearly want"

"You're mad at me for choosing to spend time with Sirius on his birthday his last year at hogwarts other than going to your fucking quidditch game" She couldn't believe the words coming out of his mouth

"Yes actually quite simple when you put it that way"

"Sirius is my bloody best friend"

"You have questionable friends, halfbloods, bloodtraitors and fucking mudbloods"

Prims face dropped and she was silent

"So this is what it's all about" she laughed and couldn't even look him in the eye

"You're a fucking pureblood act like it" he snapped

"What embarrassed that your girlfriend is a bloodtraitor?"

"I didn't even ask you to be my girlfriend Avery"

Her feelings were now officially hurt.

"No Primrose I didn't mean it like that" He walked over to her

"Leave me alone" she stormed out of his room and he followed

"Primrose i'm sorry okay i'm just tired I didn't mean any of that"

She continued walking out of the common room

"Please I shouldn't have said any of that"

She kept walking and she fought the urge of turning around and punching him across the face

"You said it because you meant it Black. Dont act like you didn't mean it" She turned around to face him

"I shouldn't have said those things to you it was mean and unnecessary" he tried to reach for her hand

"Doesn't matter i'm not even your girlfriend apparently" she crossed her arms

Regulus scoffed and tried not to smile because he knew that'd get her mad

"Avery of course you're my girlfriend"

"You say that now"

"Well I thought it was pretty obvious that we we're together, I promised you forever, I won't promise that to some random girl" he cupped her face

"Regulus Arcturus Black if you ever call Lily that word were done and i'm being serious"

"Okay" She finally let him hug her and just like that all was forgiven

But prim kept her word, on November 3rd she went out with her friends to celebrate Sirius' birthday

"Happy birthday Sirius, I love you more than you'll ever know" Prim gave him a long hug

"Prim i'm so glad we met that day on the train" Sirius felt emotional thinking about leaving her soon

Around 2am they finally all went back to their common room after a long dinner and night of dancing

"Happy Birthday brother" They heard and all turned around, it was Regulus

"Thank you Regulus but it was yesterday" He turned around and kept walking. Prim stayed behind and walked over to Regulus

"Tell me" She wrapped her arms around him


"About your game" She looked up at him

At this moment it was clear to Regulus that he would never love anyone as much as he loved her. It was like everyday he was falling for her over and over. Every night he slept holding his ring feeling her heart in his hand.

"Marry me Primrose"

"Don't turn soft on me Regulus" She scoffed

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now