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"Prim I just wanted to apologize" Gideon pulled her after practice

"Gideon it's fine, i'm sorry about the boys" She walked away she didn't want to leave too late

"I just wanted to make sure you didn't think I would do anything like that"

"Gideon i'm not accusing you of anything and no one is"

"I have to go Gideon i'm meeting with my potions partner" She went in to shower

The next game was against Ravenclaw mid November

"Hey i'm sorry practice ran late" She rushed into the library and sat down

Again he was engulfed with the scent of strawberry and sugar and her wet hair was dripping on the table

"There's a drying charm I highly doubt you don't know that" He glanced over at her

"Merlin does everything I do bug you" She rolled her eyes "I like my hair wet" she smiled to herself

"You look like a shaggy dog"

"Regulus can we just finish this project so we never have to see each other"

"Can't wait until you loose the final quidditch match"

"You want to start with me Black" She had enough with his attitude

"Oh Prim I want to start and never stop"

She scoffed and went back to writing the properties of her potion

"Avery can I ask you something?"

"No you cannot" she hadn't even looked up

"You spend too much time around Sirius you have the same attitude" He hated how he saw so much of him in her. The way they wore their hair. They way their head either was hung up high or low no in between. The way they smiled the same, laughed the same they were so much alike

"I love Sirius you can't hurt my feelings by comparing him to me" She put her head on her hand on the table

"You and Sirius both bloodtraitors, immature children who want everything given to them, who pout in the corner when something goes wrong"

"Sirius said you pouted when your father yelled at you for being second in our class is that true" She smirked. There it is he thought, that same smile Sirius had

"Fuck off Avery this year you don't stand a chance"

"Come on we all know you won't beat me in divination" She scoffed "Plus i'm taking muggle studies puts me a course ahead of you"

"What an insufferable now it all" He felt his blood boil

"And what a stuck up prick" She fought back

"I'm done Black I have things to do"

"What're you doing for halloween?" he asked

"None of your business Black"

"Fuck you can't even make small talk with sluts now and days"

"See you on the quidditch pitch at the beginning of December" She walked up to him

"Stay pretty Regulus because Marlene and Gideon won't be friendly with those bludgers" She tapped his cheek

"And Nott and Rosier have been looking forward to putting some bruises on this doll face "

"I can't wait Black" she walked out of the library

The gryffindor team practiced constantly, she walked up to the quidditch field and just her luck the entire Slytherin team was sitting out on the benches

My love, Regulus BlackΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα