To Primrose

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"Dear Primrose,

When you read this I will be dead. This may come as a shock to you, I know it'll be hard to even believe but it's true my love. And i'm sorry.

The hardest thing i've ever had to do was leave you.

The easiest was falling in love with you.

And I used to think love was a complete joke, until I fell so bloody hard for you darling. I knew when it happened, when I would fall asleep thinking about your eyes, I got this warm feeling in my chest whenever i'd see you smile.

I have loved you first. Our love has been my great adventure.

I never thought anyone would have this much control over me, but you do Primrose. Your wish is my command, I would burn this earth down and salt the earth if something were to happened to you.

We never got to live forever but I experienced an infinite amount of love, thanks to you. And that has made every single day of my life worth it. I'm so glad that I was able to fall in love with you.

I never wanted to leave your side. But I have.

My love, I will wait for you in every single lifetime. I promise you that, please find me faster because I haven't even left but I miss you terribly.

As the world caves in, its you Primrose, it's always been you, I choose to spend my final night alive with.

It's you.

I'll love you forever Primrose. Not even death can stop me from loving you. I will love you even in death.

The ones that love us never really leave us love, so this isn't goodbye, just a 'see you later' not a goodbye. I could never say goodbye to you

I love you Primrose Black, until the very end.

And even after.

p.s. tell Sirius that I have always loved him and i'm proud to be his brother.

- R.A.B"


This letter Prim never got to read.

I wanted to say my thanks for all the love and support you all have given my story, so this is it.


* Also please leave any questions you have here I am more than willing to answer them*

Regulus' song to Prim: "Visions of Gideon" by Sufjan Stevens

Prim's song to Regulus: "The night we met" by Lord Huron

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now