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By the time winter break came Prim was finally released from the infirmary and desperately wanted some fun

"Our last winter break here, I can't believe it" James looked around

"Your last winter break" Prim reminded him

"I say they let you graduate with us" Marlene didn't want to leave her cousin behind

"There's nothing i'd want more believe me" They walked around the corner

"Well out for a stroll in the moonlight?" Snape sneered

"Shut up Snivellus isn't it time for your monthly shower?" Prim joked making everyone laugh

"Avery I was almost sure your parents killed you, would've been reunited with the Prewett twins" Nott gave her a cold look

"Fuck you Nott" Marlene snapped

The group stood face to face with each other, Regulus wasn't there she noticed quickly

"You're so lucky Regulus said we couldn't touch his pretty little girlfriend" Carrow looked right at Prim

"Good to see who calls the shots" Sirius held his chest high

"He's the sole heir to the Black name and this one is expected to give him as many children as he desires" Snape answered

"Yeah like Prim would ever" Remus scoffed

"Havent told your friends?" Snape smiled

"Told us what?" Peter turned to her

"Averys marrying your brother once they graduate, please don't tell us we got invited to the wedding but not you guys" Nott chuckled

"You're full of shit" Sirius said right away

"Is that why Avery isn't denying it?" They pushed passed them and walked away

"Prim please tell me they're lying, please tell me you haven't agreed to marry him please Prim" Sirius turned to her

"It's true but it's not like that"

"Prim you've been dating this guy for only a couple months" Peter spoke

"Come on Wormtail shes only marrying him because she has too, her parents and mine probably set this all up"

"That's a lie Sirius you don't know what you're talking about"

"Please Prim I know how you do anything they ask"

"We made an unbreakable vow" she blurted


"A vow that we'd never let each other get married out of duty"

"Then why are you going to marry that git" Sirius raised his voice

"Padfoot" James looked at him for James understood

"I love him Sirius" She maintained eye contact

"No you don't Prim you don't know shit about love" he chuckled at even the thought

"Calm down Sirius" Remus said

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now