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December 5th 1979

Prim and Regulus spent every summer day out in the sun laughing and just enjoying being young and alive. When the winter air came Prim took him ice skating on the now frozen lake. Any second she spent with him was magic. Sitting on their window bench looking at the snow fall.

"I love it here" He kissed her forehead

"Let's never leave here" she wrapped her arms around him

"Wouldn't life be perfect just you and I in our home?"

"Absolutely perfect" she smiled

Regulus had his plan perfected. He knew clearly that only Kreacher would make it out.

He looked as Prim slept peacefully, kissed her forehead one last time

"I love you, don't you ever forget that" he told her before leaving the letter then grabbing Kreacher and aparating

He made sure to order Kreacher to leave, once he found out he took the real one he would kill him but now he wouldn't give him the satisfaction


He felt his legs being dragged down and quickly his head was under the water

For one last time Regulus held his ring and felt her heart beat. He closed his eyes and thought of her, only her.

His last thought was of Primrose Avery. The last thing he ever felt was her heart beat on his palm. Thinking of her made dying painless.


Prim woke up the next day to find her bed empty


She saw the note on his pillow

"Dear Primrose,

When you read this I will be dead. This may come as a shock to you.."

She stopped reading right away and ran downstairs to their family portraits

She fell to her knees when she saw that next to her name was a skull for Regulus

"Regulus Black you better come out now, how dare you" tears rolled down her face as she started throwing things around in the living room


She held her ring and felt no heartbeat.


Her cries echoed throughout the large empty house all she repeated was "come home, come home, you don't belong anywhere else but here with me, come home,come home"

"Come back please" she knelt down after destroying her living room she laid down face down and couldn't stop crying

At this moment she had never felt so alone and felt she had been dreaming because Regulus Black could not be dead. The boy in the slytherin robes, with black hair had become a part of Prim and along with his death, died a piece of Prim.

Her favorite piece.

Primrose had lost the best part of her, her lover Regulus

"Come on Regulus don't leave me" she started banging on the floor

"we'll live forever, I promise"

Prim had not moved off the floor for three days

Prim laid on the ground feeling nothing but somehow everything all at once

She couldn't even sleep, having dreams of him just to wake up and he wasn't there laying next to her was excruciating

"Regulus i'm kidding you can come out and i'll forgive okay just come"

It physically hurt her to even breathe it hurt most knowing she was living in a world that he no longer was.

Once she was able to get up she would only drink water and maybe eat a banana, crying herself to sleep every single night

This was a pain like no other. A pain she wouldn't wish on anyone

The pain was unbearable, it hurt to stay still, it hurt to walk around, it hurt to think of him, it hurt when she wasn't thinking of him

Worst of all she was in the house that he built for them. To live, to one day raise children to live happy years.

His tea cup was still half empty. She broke her favorite glass when she realized that she was serving two cups.

She couldn't even enter that bloody room. His clothes were still the way he left them. She could still see where he had last slept

She hated how there were no answers. No one knew how he died. She hated imaging that he suffered painful death.

She couldn't talk to Marlene or Lily yet, she felt she would break down and cry and they would pity her.

She hadn't been summoned even if she did she planned on staying home, just thinking about leaving their home made her heart break

They were supposed to live forever. They we're supposed to have children and raise them as children should be raised. Prim would have never hit her children like her parents hit her. She would never call them "worthless" or a "waste of space" like her parents called her. They were supposed to grow old together and have grandchildren mostly importantly she just thought they'd have more time together.

18 was too soon. She had always secretly wished that she would die first, she couldn't fathom having to live without him. Yet here she was.

She had loved him fully and truly, but forever had fell apart


Regulus had only been dead for ten days when Voldemort had called in Theodore Nott

"Nott you have proven yourself so useful, you had the stomach to do everything Regulus could not"

"Thank you my lord"

"You know Theodore that I am a giving lord"

"Yes my lord"

"What is the one thing your heart desires"

"I dunno my lord"

"Anything you I will grant you for your loyalty"

"There is one thing but I don't think it's possible my lord"

"Don't doubt my abilities" "Go on"

"Primrose Avery"

There was a silence and Nott felt foolish admitting he had a school boy crush on Prim years later especially since she married Regulus, his friend.

"Then you shall have her"

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now