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Halloween was everyone's favorite time. The gryffindor tower was never more alive

"Drinking tonight?" Marlene asked as she was already drunk and wrapped around Dorcas arm

"No I think i'll stick with pumpkin juice today" Prim held her cup up sarcastically.

Sirius was drinking heavily, James was drunk and that did not win him favor with Lily. Remus was smoking along with Peter as they watched the boys be dramatic

"I think this is the part where i'm a gentleman and offer you a drink" Gideon approached her

"I think this is the part where I tell you that we're teammates" she took a sip of juice

"I'm graduating this year" he gave that Prewett smile

"And you're going after a girl three years younger than you" She knew the Prewett twins could get any girls they wanted they were tall had charm and were quite hilarious

"I'll wait for you Prim"

"Gideon how drunk are you?" she laughed

"Oh Prim i'm so fucking waisted right now" he opened another beer

"Good for you Gideon" She wasn't going to judge him

Drunk Sirius was a dancer. "Let me have this dance" He pulled Prim up

"Sirius you know I am not a dancer" she laughed swaying back and forth with him

He was drunk and kissing her cheeks and forehead

"Remus doesn't like when you get like this" She tried to calm him down

"To hell with what Remus likes" Sirius and Remus had just gotten in a fight hours before the party

He was going to kiss Prim.

"Sirius how many time do I have to remind you to stop using me" she removed his arms off her and walked up to her room she was done for the night

"I love when you get drunk Sirius." Remus called him out sarcastically

"Fuck off Moony"

"No whats next, next time you'll have sex with her what?" "Tell me?" He snapped

"What Moony scared I'll fuck her and turn straight" he scoffed drinking more

"Whenever you're around her I never know if you'll pick her or me" Remus was honest with him

"I already told you in a room of hundreds i'll pick you Remus. I'm not in the mood to make you less insecure" he snapped walking into the restroom

It was hard not to hate Prim. Remus watched her in her quidditch robes and he even saw the appeal

"Ravenclaw doesn't stand a chance" Prim reminded the team as they ate breakfast

As much as Remus didn't want to agree with Regulus. He was right. Prim was confident in the way that Sirius was. She had a wide smile like Sirius.

"Good luck out there girls" Lily hugged the three of them

During the game again James and Prim were unstoppable. The ravenclaw team had amazing beaters but James and Prims communication was better


Out in the crowds Lily held a poster that read "Go Potter #7"

Once James saw that he scored like never before his confidence was through the roof

"GRYFFINDOR WINS" He announced as Dorcas held the golden snitch

The gryffindor table roared and praised team

"You did amazing out there" Sirius kissed her forehead

"Final game Gryffindor Vs. Slytherin who are you supporting?" She sarcastically asked

"Oh this is a tough one" He chuckled slightly

"Can't wait till December Primmy" Nott strutted over with the rest of the team met with the gryffindor team all standing up

"We really hope your star chasers don't get hurt Prewett" Lestrange glanced over at him

"Is that a threat?" He came face to face with him

"Take it as you will" Dolohov answered

"So none of you can complete your own fucking sentences?" Prim snapped

"No Prim they can't their minds can't go that far" Marlene glared at them

"How could they all that pureblood in-breading" Dorcas gave a sarcastic smile

"Watch what you're saying bitch" Carrow lunged

"Stupefy" Prim pointed her wand and he went flying back

"Ms. Avery no dueling spells are to be used in the great hall" Slughorn came down from the table

"10 points from gryffindor"

They all sneered at each other as they turned back to their tables

"You really have that spell perfected" Peter noticed how effortless she casted it

"I often have to use it on them" she shrugged

Regulus couldn't help but admire how hilarious she was. The way she flipped her hair, even her wand work was elaborate.

"I swear to Salazar i'm going to make her pay" Lestrange was offended

"She has bloody body guards around her all the time" Dolohov

"Take it out on the quidditch pitch i'm not loosing to gryffindor this year" Rosier who was made captain snapped

"Talking about winter what are we doing over break?" Nott asked

"Come to my house after my brother got married it's basically empty" Lestrange offered

They all came to an agreement and they were now all looking forward to break away from all these mudbloods and bloodtraitors.

Regulus knew his brother would go over to James house. Because James was more of a brother to him than he was. Sirius doesn't even try to hide it either. Maybe that's why he resented Prim so much. For she too loved James and his family.

He thought of Prim and Sirius as pureblood puppy dogs. They get kicked around so often that they find comfort in other family's. Regulus hated when his parents would punish Sirius. He hated more the thought that Prim got similar punishments.

"Mum misses you Prim" James said in the common room which was true. Prim hadn't been able to go out at all during summer

"I promise you I miss her more" she loved Ms. Potter more than her own mother

"Are you coming over during break?" James asked awkwardly

"Well you haven't even invited me James" she laughed

"Prim you don't need an invite you're family" he smiled that James Potter smile

Family she repeated to herself.

My love, Regulus BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora