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(Smut warning)

Going back to Hogwarts Regulus watched Sirius and Prim walk along side of each other laughing. He was slightly annoyed, everytime he looked at them they were laughing. Truly life couldn't be that funny

"So here are the study guides that helped me" Lily dropped off about twenty scrolls

"Merlin Lily you sure you didn't just steal the quizzes" Marlene even got overwhelmed just looking at them

"Thank you Lily" Prim was grateful for any help she could get

They all walked into potions together hoping Slughorn wouldn't bore them to death

"Today we will be making amortentia" Everyone broke out into small conversations and excitement

"But see its rumored to smell differently to each person but since your teenage minds probably will be thinking of someone in specific, anyone who smells it will smell the same thing as you" he chuckled

Prim started her potion slowly and she wasn't really thinking of anyone. She took her time so she could get out of the assignment

Something caught Prims nose and she looked over at Lily who was trying to hide her blush

"Lily Evans is that who I think it is?" Prim knew who smelt like that

"Primrose Avery you better not say anything"

Prim gave her a large smile and went back to her potion

As she continued her potion started to smell like him. It smelled of mint and pine trees, the woods. It was Regulus.

Regulus was experiencing the same trouble. He couldn't even finish the potion because of the strong scent it had of sweet strawberries. He hoped no one around him would smell it.

"Merlin Prim ease up on the perfume" Remus who also could recognize her scent smelt it, he was smelling it from Regulus' strong potion

"I don't have any on" she shrugged and looked over at Regulus who was already done with his potion

Soon the whole class could smell the strawberries for Regulus had such strong feelings and powerful magic

"Mr. Black that sure is one powerful love potion" Slughorn walked over since the scent got to him as well

Prim got out the notebook he gave her

"Are you going to poison me with that love potion?"

"Who did you smell?"

"Professor Slughorn"

She saw Regulus smile

"Such a smart arse"

"So who is this girl of strawberries and sugar?"

"Dunno but i'm planning on asking her on an official date soon, what do you think she'd say?"

"Probably no but I mean you have to ask her in person not over a piece of paper"

"Isn't it supposed to be the thought that counts? is that how the muggles say it?"

"Since when do you know the what the muggles say? But yes that's how they say it. They also say "grow a pair"'

He watched as she strutted out of the classroom and debated on when he would ask her to the hogsmead trip. He told her to stay away from him but the problem was he couldn't stay away from her

In divination Prim fell asleep on her notebook. Regulus was the one who pushed her awake

"This class is so boring" she complained

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now