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"Prim is this some sick joke?" Sirius couldn't believe his eyes

"It's not what you think Sirius" She panicked knew he would never forgive her

"It looks like you're fucking snogging my brother" He walked to gryffindor tower pissed and the alcohol was making it worse

"Sirius stop" she ran after him, he kept walking didn't even turn once

"Sirius stop" in the common room he finally stopped

"Leave me alone Avery" He walked up to his room. Avery. He had never called her that

She went up to his room

"Sirius it meant nothing it just happened" she tried to explain herself

Sirius turned and placed a kiss on her lips

"You're being mean Sirius" she pushed him off

"How the hell am I being mean"

"You only want me now that you know your brother does" She was tired of his constant pattern

"He gets everything he's ever wanted I will not let him have you Prim" he placed another kiss on her lips

"So what youll use me to get back at him, what about me Sirius do I ever get a say in anything?"

"Prim not everything's about you" he raised his tone

"Why because it has to be about you?" she snapped back automatically

He scoffed and turned his back

"Out of everyone is this school it had to be Regulus"

"I already told you Sirius the kiss meant nothing"

Sirius cupped her face, and ran his fingers though her long hair

"Sirius you always end up making me cry one way or another" Her eyes watered meeting his

"Prim i'm scared you and I were supposed to disgrace our family names together, now you're dating Nott and it feels like i'm going to end up loosing this battle"

"You never listen Sirius i'm not dating Nott and will never and it's different Padfoot you know it's different, I have no future if I don't get married you can still go on with life"

"Said who Prim your mum? you could always play professional quidditch"

"In a perfect world that would work out" she rested her head on his chest

"Thats our dream world Prim. You and I leaving and never turning back" he hugged her tightly

"But it will always just be a dream Sirius"

"I wish we were different people"

"Me too"

Regulus knew he would never get the chance to kiss her ever again. He knew Sirius would probably make sure she felt shitty, and to Prim his happiness mattered more than anyone's. Regulus knew that. He was jealous of that

He looked at his ring, Sirius had broken the connection awhile ago. He wanted to turn it and summon Prim but she wouldn't show.

Prim completely shut herself away from Regulus. And tried not to think of him anymore

"You look nice" Nott smiled at her as they walked into the garden

She was wearing a white dress with red roses all over it and her hair pinned up

The usual members were all there sitting around laughing along with Slughorn

Prim didn't want school to be over she wanted to stay at hogwarts with her friends she wanted to spend her days with them

She dreaded Avery Manor it was a dark place, most of her cousins had become death eaters and regularly visited the manor

"Congratulations to Ms. Avery finishing the year first in her class" Slughorn smiled

"Thank you professor"

Everyone at the dinner was part of the top ten in their class that's the reason they were there

Theodore liked how Prim knew how to behave in public settings. She sat with her head high and legs crossed. He knew whatever man she let marry her would be a lucky one

"Godric I thought that dinner would never end" Prim complained to Nott as he walked her to her common room

"I like the dinners actually"

"Of course you would" she laughed all boys liked the dinners

Regulus watched her leave with Nott and knew he wanted nothing more than to hex him

"You wish that was you huh" Sirius approached his brother

"How much did you yell at her to keep her away from me" Regulus knew how his brother could get

"Pick someone else" Sirius' tone became serious

"Let her pick who she wants" Regulus knew deep down Prim wanted him too

"She doesn't want you brother she claimed over and over that the kiss meant nothing" he scoffed

"Funny that you only think we kissed" he waved at his brother and walked away

As much as Sirius wanted to know what he was talking about he was already on thin ice with Prim. He knew if he fucked up even once or said the wrong thing she would be done with him. And Prim was his golden girl. He couldn't loose her.

Packing her things for Kings Cross Prim wanted to run away now and never go back to the manor but she knew her family would find her in probably a day

"I'll miss you all so much" she hugged each of them for a long time

On the train she wrapped her arms around Sirius and he did the same. They were both bracing themselves for going back home.

Regulus and his friends had walked by and he spotted the two in each other's arms. He thought of how lucky he was. He also knew Sirius constantly took advantage of Prims kind nature especially when Sirius was her soft spot. Shit she would never tolerate from anyone else Sirius could get away with.

"Are they dating?" Nott asked as they walked past them

"Please Sirius will never love anyone other than himself" Regulus answered as they sat back down

As the train stopped Prim knew this summer would be a long and hard one. But she knew she had to do it. She took a deep breath and walked out of the train

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now