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Seems like all their days melted together. Everyone was studying for their owls. Prim studied along side of them. And at the end of every day was quidditch practice

"My cousins are all coming to this game" Sirius spoke with dread. The only family member he liked was disowned

"I'll bet anyone ten galleons my parents if they come they'll support Slytherin" Prim knew her parents would never support her

Fabian had the team practicing in the snow, rain, freezing temperatures . It was their last year and they wanted to win more than anything

They all knew Regulus was a better seeker which left the three chasers with an impossible mission

"We need to score more than 150" Fabian bluntly said

James and Prim nodded.

"I'll make sure they don't score" Mclaggen spoke with such confidence

"Marlene, Gideon do not let them hold onto a quaffle for more than a couple seconds understood"

They nodded. The week before the match the three chasers trained like never before. Trained before class and even stayed over practice hours

"Good luck present" Sirius handed her a small hair tye

"It's enchanted so no hair will fall out" he smiled

"That's the subtle way of saying my hairs a mess" she laughed and put on the hair tie

The slytherin team was obnoxious chanting some stupid chat

"Dont be nervous" Peter tried to give them encouragement

Lily was wearing Prims practice jersey to show her support

"Game time" Fabian made them gather in the locker rooms

"There's going to be a large crowd don't let that get to you, remember we need to score high" He was nervous he was stuttering over his speech

"We got this Prim" James smiled

Mounting their brooms Prim saw her parents along with the Potters and The Blacks, she could always tell that the slytherin teams parents were all there they had the same face

The slytherin team fought dirty but the gryffindor team fought back harder

Harris kept his word and blocked all the shots

"Its as if Potter and Avery are one the way they are playing" Jacobs the announcer was a bit biased


The slytherin team could not hold onto a bludger for the life of them. They kept aiming at Prim and she used that to her advantage. She hovered in front of Regulus waited until Nott threw it at her and she ducked

"Looks like the Slytherin team just injured their own seeker"

By the time Slytherin called a time out the score was 100-20

The second half of the game the slytherin team got sloppy and tired. They had the earliest practice time which they bragged about. But now it was freezing and the gryffindor team who only practiced at night were used to the cold and it didn't effect them one bit


The sloppier and angerier the slytherin team got the dirtier they started playing

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now