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Summer 1978

They had finally settled in after a couple days, Prim was gone for the first days of summer to celebrate her friends graduation

The manor was beautiful, Regulus had thought of every single little detail. He wanted it perfect for her. And Prim loved having something that was theirs and only theirs

Dear Prim,

How's the house? We've officially joined the Order. Moody's a bit scary if i'm being honest and it's odd seeing McGonagall out of school but yeah everyone's here, one more year and you'll be fighting along side of us. It's been a week and I already miss you.

Lots of love , Marlene Mckinnon

p.s. Sirius says not to let Regulus host meetings at your new place

Prim was happy for her friends but constantly worried for their safety, they were all she had

"It's summer why do you wake up so early" Regulus entered the living room

"Force of habit, tea?"

He sat down next to her and couldn't help but smile that this was his life now "Thank you" he watched as she levitated everything effortlessly

"My underage boyfriend" she smiled as she went on to open another letter that arrived that morning

Dear Prim,

How is being with the sole heir of the noble house of Black? Moony says hi, we're here in London and I've tried befriending the muggles that live around here but Moony says I act strange and it's off putting, imagine that Mr. Remus Lupin thinks I don't have the social capacity to befriend a muggle, so yes I will spend my summer proving him wrong. Stay safe Prim, I love you lots. Until the very end

Sirius Black

Prim let out a small laugh

"Who is that from?" He asked

"Your brother"

"How is he doing?" he tried to asked subtly

"Read for yourself" she handed him the letter and he slowly grabbed it

"He makes me sound so obnoxious" he handed back the letter

"You don't like being called the last heir of the noble house of Black?" she sarcastically said

"Very funny" "I have a meeting later on today, I won't be back till late"

"I hate it when you leave to those meeting"

"Primrose you know this is my responsibility" he got up and left the room

While he went to his meeting Prim visited the Potters

"Lily how do you put up with these two?" They watched Sirius and James mess around

"I feel so outnumbered" Lily chuckled

"My place feels empty it's only Regulus and I and Kreacher our elf"

"How is it having an elf?"

"Kreacher is terrible I hated him growing up" Sirius interrupted

"Regulus is very fond of him"

"Where is Regulus?" James asked

"He has things to do today"

"We all know what "things" mean Prim" Sirius raised his eyebrows

"What else have you done this summer?" Remus asked

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now