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"Leave me alone" She walked past them

"Come on let's have some fun" Nott grabbed a stand of her wet hair

"Ive been fucking so many halfblood and mudbloods I want to see if a pureblood girl fucks better" Carrow blocked the walkway

She started to panic no wand and no exit. She couldn't physically take them on

She looked at her ring. Sirius said if she ever needed him to turn the ring. She had never tried it but it was worth a shot

Carrow put his finger on her lip he was thinking of how she'd look on her knees taking him all in.

"Can you just leave me alone" she didn't want to cry she couldn't cry

Nott put his hand around her waist

She was panicking and there was no way out

"Stupefy" Nott went flying back. Carrow turned around but it was too late. Sirius punched him across the face

"Prim" her eyes were filled with tears and she fell into his arms

"Did they do anything to you" He hugged her tightly

"No I was just scared" She didn't want to let go of him

"Come on" he carried her into his room were she continued to cry

Regulus watched them all come back Carrows face bloodied up

"What happened you run into a wall?" he chuckled

"Your fucking brother interrupted our fun with Avery" He cleaned up his blood

Regulus didn't even want to ask he didn't want to know

"You all need to leave her alone" he snapped

"Shes the funnest and once she gives it up itll be worth it" Lestrange said

"You guys look pathetic lusting over her there's plenty girls that would be much easier" Regulus knew they were pureblood royalty

"That's what makes her so much fun" Muliber started getting ready to shower

"Shes just going to end up dating Sirius" Regulus knew she would

He looked foward to potions sitting next to her

"When can you work on this, I have quidditch practice every day 7-9" she turned to him

He noticed she had been crying she looked exhausted

"I have quidditch practice 4-5 we can meet at 6"

"I want to meet in a public place" she said clearly

"I'm not going to do anything to you" Regulus was slightly offended that she assumed he was like them

"Let's just meet at the library, and please don't tell your little friends that we're meeting up please" She knew that if they knew were she was at they would follow her around

The boys all now became even more protective. Remus, Peter, James and Sirius all watched out for her and made sure she made it to every single class. Marlene and Dorcas all walked together after practice

She walked into the library and he was sitting there by himself

"I only have an hour" She sat down

"I heard you the first eight times" he opened his scroll

She rolled her eyes as she sat down. He was overwhelmed by her scent of strawberries. It was like she just ate a strawberry pound cake

"Can you stop" he snapped

"What's your issue" She hadn't even said a word

"You're thinking so bloody loud"

All Blacks were gifted at Legilimency 

"Get out of my head" She tried to block her thoughts

Now more than anything he wanted to see what she was thinking

"What if I were to kiss you right now Prim"

"Sirius what are we doing" she laughed slightly

"Regulus fuck do all of you not know what no means" She pushed him out of his head

"You kissed Sirius"

"Regulus merlin all of you are rotten" She collected her things

Regulus liked watching her get mad she furrowed her brows and bit her lip

To make matters worse she had Slugclub dinner and they all had to dress formally

Prim dragged James and Sirius to the dinner

"Blue is your color Prim" Sirius smiled as they walked down to the dungeons

James was beyond saddened by the fact that Lily was sitting with Severus

"Welcome in"

Of course all the boys that constantly harassed her were all there smirking and eyeing her up and down

Everyone went on to talk about their parents and tried to butter up slughorn. The three gryffindors all had their inside jokes. And it took a lot of strength for them to hold in their laughter

For Regulus the dinner was hard to sit through he could see their thoughts just so easily. And they were all nasty thoughts that he wished he didn't have to see

Her thoughts were literally about her astronomy homework. James was thinking about Lily and Regulus could never read his brothers mind.

"Ms. Avery awfully quiet over there" she realized she hadn't touched her food at all

"Sorry sir" Ms. Avery she hated when people called her that

"You aren't in trouble Ms. Avery just an observation" He went back to talking to Regulus

Sirius understood how easy it is to feel like everything you do is wrong. Especially with parents like theirs.

Regulus knew why she never spoke. "Don't speak unless spoken too" that's how all pureblood females were raised. He noticed how the boys were all confidently sitting and speaking loudly

"Regulus get out of my head" She looked straight at him. That's why she was only thinking about astronomy she didn't want him to know what she was really thinking

Regulus gave her a smile. But she was not going to be messed with.

"You can kiss me if you want" Regulus was looking at her memory from the glass mirror in Sirius' dorm

"Believe me I want too Prim"  He saw them on his bed kissing

He saw Sirius grab her hips. He saw Primrose grab Sirius hair

Prim smiled looking at Regulus' cheeks turn pink.

Regulus knew she had done something with Sirius. But he knew she had done that on purpose. He didn't know if it was because it was his brother or if it was because of her but he started feeling possessive over Prim. He wanted the girl that everyone else wanted. He wanted the girl that Sirius wanted.

The only problem was that he didn't know if she wanted Sirius or not.

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now