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The boys were all planning on not going to James' house anymore but Prim wouldn't let them

"Go have fun, I could use some time to catch up on my work" she lied all her homework was done

"I'll miss you Prim" Sirius kissed her forehead

"I have your presents but you can't open them until christmas understood" she handed all her friends their gifts that she spent weeks hand picking

"I'll try my hardest Prim" James waved as they went inside the compartment

Marlene and Dorcas were gone even Lily had gone home for break. Hogwarts was empty and she already was missing her friends

"You seem awfully lonely" The Prewett twins sister approached her as she sat just staring at the fire

"All my friends went home over break but it's fine it's just a couple weeks"

"Why did you stay the twins went home?" she asked

"Oh because my boyfriend and I decided to stay"

"Oh right you're dating Arthur right was that his name?" Prim asked making small talk

"Yes Arthur Weasley were getting married the second we graduate next year" she smiled ear to ear

"Good for you Molly" Prim was happy for her

"Why don't we do something" Molly felt bad for her

"What were you thinking?" Prim wanted to do something

"I can teach you how to knit" she in a second ran up to her room and grabbed her knitting supplies

"Merlin I never have knit anything" She panicked looking at all the yard

"I make Arthur a sweater every christmas" she started her half made sweater

It took Prim about an hour to get the hang of how to knit

"How do you add like letters" She looked over at Molly's which had an "A" on it

"You grab a different color and then kind of just make the shape and once you're done go back to the original color" Molly made it sound so easy

"Who are you planning on making one for?" She asked intrigued

"Probably Marlene or Lily they're the only ones that won't make fun of me if it turns out bad" She smiled just thinking of them

"Make one for both of them so they can match" Molly continued knitting and was amazing and quick

Prim actually enjoyed sitting by the fire with Molly she was kind and pretty funny

"Heard you snogged my brother" Molly turned to her

"In all fairness he kissed me first" Prim blushed

Molly was right when she said knitting is therapeutic, as the days went by Prim sat and knit sometimes she would levitate her book in front of her and read and she knit.

She had made Lily and Marlene sweaters in two days and was quite proud of herself. She also met Arthur Weasley which was the only pureblood she'd ever met that knew so much about muggles

For the first week she had made it a goal to finish Peters and Remus sweaters.

When christmas came they all sent her gifts even Mrs. Potter made her a basket filled with all her favorite things

Sirius had gotten her quidditch jersey made just for her and read "Prim"

Peter had paid attention and got her the muggle novels she had wanted.

Remus got her socks that because hers always had holes in them and she always complained about them

James had made her a scrapbook of all the pictures they had together with plenty of empty pages which he wrote in the note "We still have so many memories to make"

Lily had gotten her muggle board games that she was fascinated with and always wanted one for herself

Marlene bought her a muggle music player which she didn't understand how to use until Arthur explained to her how it worked

They always all sent Thank you notes and expressed how they missed her. But Prim thought there was no way they missed her like she missed them

She made Lily a dark blue jumper to bring out her eyes, for Marlene she used a sage green which complemented her hair. Peter got an orange one because that's his favorite color, she made Remus a chocolate brown one since now that color always reminded her of him, James of course she made red and for sirius she made him a grey sweater (debated on making him a dark green one as a joke but knew he would get mad)

Those sweaters took her two weeks to finish which was long because she knit for basically seven hours a day.

She made hers last and hers was black with a gold P on it and she couldn't wait till they came so she could give them all their sweaters

"I'm so proud of you" Molly hugged her she was such a hugger

"I couldn't have done it without you so thank you Molly"

The day they came back she waited for all them at the loading dock

Sirius was the first to step out and she ran into his arms

"Ive missed you all so much" she hugged all of them

They went shared every detail about their break and Marlene was happy she got to see her brothers

"Okay I have a suprise for all of you"

She handed them each a parcel that were all shaped the same

"Did you make these?" Lily looked in awe at her sweater

"Yes this is all I did for weeks"

"These are amazing Prim" James hugged her as he put his on right away

Everyone put them on and adored them

"This is the first time anyone has ever made me a christmas gift" Sirius held her for a long time

"Don't cross me Sirius or next christmas it'll be a dark green jumper" she joked

Regulus watched as they entered the great hall all wearing their jumpers. He had spent break at Lestranges house with all of them and realize he did not want to spend that much of his free time with them.

He was jealous of how freely they were able to be themselves. He could never be himself no one would love him for who he really was.

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now