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Major TW for abuse (Prims parents)

Prim was nervous for the final match. Her parents would see her after they told her she couldn't play this year.

She walked into breakfast a little later and could feel something was wrong

"Prim" James gave her a serious look

"What happened" She could sense something had happened

Sirius turned around "The Prewett twins are dead"

The world stopped turning. Fabian and Gideon who believed in her, Fabian had trained her, she spent hours for years with them

"What" She still couldn't wrap her head around it

"Death eater attack" James pulled out the daily prophet

She read over the details, Gideon died first. Fabian hugged his body while defeating five death eaters at once then was killed

In seconds there was a whirlpool of memories that came rushing to her all at once and she felt her eyes watering. Fabian and Gideon Prewett could not be dead, they just couldn't

The gryffindor table was silent. She remembered just years ago the twins running around for the final match making everyone get up and cheer with them

Prim let out a cry of agony and collapsed into Sirius' arms. Now the great hall was silent and Sirius covered her face with his arms.

"Filthy bloodtraitors they had it coming" Nott looked over at Prim

Regulus knew how heartbroken Prim was. He had never heard her cry like that it was a cry that he will never forgot

"At least they won't be so focused anymore" Carrow laughed soon followed by the rest of the team

Prim picked her self up quickly and headed out to the locker rooms

"Let's do this for them" James told them before the match started

The Averys saw their daughter on her broom and right away wanted to kill her

The Slytherin team mocked them as they played

"Fear Fabian was a far better chaser" Muliber taunted her

Prim was playing with anger, frustration and most of all sadness

This would be her last time playing with her friends. James and Prim dominated the field once again no matter how hard the Slytherin's tried to hassle them

Regulus watched as Prim was literally crying while playing, he saw the tears rolling down her face as she played

"DORCAS MEADOWS CATCHES THE GOLDEN SNITCH" He just realized that he wasn't he even looking for the snitch

Prim flew over to the announcers box and grabbed the mic

"This is for Fabian and Gideon Prewett may they rest in peace"

James, Marlene and Dorcas all held up the trophy and then the team held up their wands soon followed by everyone in the crowds but Slytherin house

Prim was in no mood to greet her parents but she had too she could feel them looking at her

Regulus knew Prim was in huge trouble, to try to make her parents less mad when she came up to the stand he kissed her in front of all the parents

"That won't save me today" She told him as her parents still looked furious

"Excuse me Regulus" Prims mother pushed him aside

"I made it extremely clear that you were not to play anymore"

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now