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Primrose Lydia Avery

"Make sure you don't forget anything Primrose, I will not spend my days sending you things you've forgotten" Her mother was a strict women who tolerated no nonsense

"I know mother" She looked down at her brand new school shoes

"Head up" Her mother grabbed her face

"Averys do not walk around with their head down" She had a bitter look on her face

"Yes mother" Primrose now held her head high

"Your father made it very clear who you aren't allowed to be friends with"

"Yes mother I cannot befriend mudbloods or halfbloods"

A smirk grew on her mother's face "Very well"

She put out her arm and Primrose braced herself for aparation

This was her first time seeing Kings Cross. It became her favorite place right away because this is where she would leave her mother and father behind for basically a year.

"Primrose let me make it clear that if you do not get sorted into Slytherin don't bother writing home" Her mother said as their elf "Kappy" appeared with her trunk

"Yes mother" She gave a small wave to their elf which was her only friend and walked into the compartment

Sometimes she hated being an "Avery" hated being a pureblood and hated all they stood for. In fact she made it her goal to befriend her halfblood cousin "Marlene McKinnon"

The only problem was she didn't know what she looked like all she knew was that her aunt and her father were siblings and that her aunt married a muggle born man leading to her disownment of the noble Avery house

She was deep in her thoughts when she bumped into the back of someone

"Oh i'm sorry" She automatically said

The boy turned around, he had long black hair and clear blue eyes

"Another pureblood" he looked at the Avery crest sewed into her robe

She had a quick notice to detail "Black?" She looked at his crest with crows on it

"Don't remind me" he seemed to dread his name as much as she did

"Ive been trying to take mine off put she sewed it with magic" She tugged on it to prove it

His face grew a smile of approval

"Quite the rebellious type?" he asked

"I don't know yet but I am looking for my disowned cousin" she smiled

"What's their name maybe I can help you it's my second year and I basically know everyone" He took pride in that

"Marlene Mckinnon"

He gasped "You're lucky you ran into me" He started walking

Prim followed along, no where else to go

"Marlene close your eyes I have a surprise for you" She had heard him announce

He waved her over and she picked up her pace

"Open" She stood now in front of her

"Hi i'm Primrose Avery and probably not the surprise you wanted so i'm sorry" Again she looked down at her shoes

"Nice to meet you" she smiled welcoming her in to sit down

"This is James Potter" The boy introduced her

Potter she knew that name. In her head she was gathering names that her parents would approve.

"This is Remus Lupin" He smiled slightly and gave a small wave

"Peter Pettigrew" This boy shook her hand

"And well i'm Sirius Black" He had a large smile

"It's very nice to meet all of you and thank you Sirius for letting me sit with your friends"

"You're too proper Primrose" he sat down next to her

"And from now on I think we'll call you Prim" James inspected her face and noticed her crest

"What house are you all in?"

"Gryffindor" they all said at once

"My mum said if I don't get placed into Slytherin I can't come home until summer" she shrugged taking out her book

"Woah she's like a female Sirius" Peter joked but everyone saw that connection

"Tell me about it my mum took away everything from me" He started eating his chocolate frog

"Do you want to get placed into Slytherin?" Remus asked

"I don't really care about going home over break so no I guess not" It was the truth. To be honest she was a female Avery it was the male Averys who had to carry out the pureblood name

"Ive heard about your parents Aldis and Bedelia Avery your father works with mine" Sirius said

She shivered at the use of their names

The entire train ride she analyzed their friend group, Marlene had a friend Lily who didn't like the boys so she never sat with them. Sirius and James were easily the most confident people she had ever met and Remus was quiet and only added on to their ideas, Peter was posh and always had doubts about their plans but was clever enough to smooth out their plans

"Nice meeting you Prim" They all waved as she went into the small little boats

She went on a boat with two other girls who were scared of falling in

She always knew she would be one of the first sorted because Avery is at the start of the alphabet

Hogwarts was as beautiful as everyone described it. It was grand and the great hall took her breath as she saw the four tables

She also saw her cousin and the rest of the boys she had just met

"Alcott Kristoff"

Her heart was racing. This was determine everything, how her parents treated her, if her cousin would still want to be friends with her everything.

"Avery Primrose"

Her knees buckled as she slowly walked up the steps

"Another Avery"

"Hello" she said

"Your pureblood makes me want to place you in Slytherin"

"Do you really think i'd fit in, I mean I respect your choice I was just wondering" She felt she was now rambling

"No you would not, you are fairminded those slytherin type would do anything to achieve their goals, you would only if it was fair"

"Yeah i'm not a cheat fair if fair right?"

Nothing else was said

"let it be GRYFFINDOR"

Her heart dropped the gryffindor table went wild and she saw her cousin and her redheaded friend jump up and down

She sat next to her cousin as everyone congratulated her

Everyone always cheered for the new arrivals and welcomed them

"Black Regulus"

"Your brother?" She asked and Sirius nodded his head


Sirius head dropped, James automatically knew what to say to cheer him up

"At least you finally have a Sacred 28 friend in gryffindor" he nudged him

Sirius was actually happy Prim got sorted into Gryffindor, James and Peter were pure blood but their parents were supportive. He could see the fear in Prims eyes the same fear he had just a year ago.

So he was happy he finally had someone who dreaded going home and who had a family crest sewed into their robes.

My love, Regulus BlackWhere stories live. Discover now