Here and Now

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A/N: Nick 👆😜😋

Alaia POV

"Ally and i are leaving the house? Just like that? I thought we agreed to think it over for a week before deciding" I blurt out on our way upstairs.

"Well, i thought it over"

"You thought it over? As in you, alone, by yourself, somewhere between this morning and now?


"Well, good to know how much my opinion is valued" i say bitterly, walking past him.

I thought this was going to be our decision, as a couple, making a final decision together, but i see now it's his way or no way. I expected him to atleast be appologetic for his impulsive outburst, but no.

He closes the bedroom door after me as i walk into the bathroom wanting some space between us, plus i really need to shower anyway. I'ld bet in all his arrogance, he will think it's ok to come in with me right now.

Sure enough he casually walks in, calm and collected, leans against the vanity top and surveys me.

"I don't see what the problem is here. Did you not say you would support my decision, well, i made one. Support it." he says arrogantly.

I stare at him dumbfounded for a second.

"Are you being serious right now" i ask, i think am seeing red, and about to blow up with anger any second now.

He shrugs in response, and starts taking his shirt off, he stills when he reaches for his jeans watching my nose flair. My anger more evident to him now.

I side step him in order to walk out of the room. I am not going anywhere with him.

"Calm down princess, lets not upset the baby" he whispers pushing me up against the door, turning me around and placing his hand next to my head. He has a smirk on his face.

I stare at him for a moment, my eyes searching his. How dare he talk to me like that, then realisation hits me, the bloody bastard, he is pulling my leg.

"Aaarggh, You arrogant son of a.......," i scream hitting his chest and arms repeatedly. He places he hand over my mouth cutting me off.

"Shhh...don't let such ugly words come out of such a pretty mouth." he grabs both of my hands imprisoning them between our bodies, his arms tight around me.

"Seriously Nick, this is not funny. You think this is the time to make jokes? You are such a jerk" i mumble.

"What? Have my approval ratings for favorite person of the week dropped?" he asks, clearly still amused with himself.

I am still fuming with anger and he seems to find it amusing.

"Relax, am just messing with you. You should have seen your face" he laughs.

He steps into the shower taking me with him.

"Are you still mad?"

"You are so annoying"

"Am your annoying man" he murmurs, still pleased with himself, and a small smile breaks at the corner of my lips.

"We are going to be late"

"Lets put all that anger you have to good use now first huh" he winks at me. This is what he was going for all along.


"Seriously though, have you thought about what Lola must be feeling right now? After hearing that stuff about her mum, then you decide to annouce you will be leaving her" i ask as we finish getting dressed, we are just about ready to leave for the airport.

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