Chapter 23 - Can't Control Your Heart

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Alaia's POV

"Tsup people"

"Rita!! "Both me and Zara exclaim at the same time.

"Hai Uncle Steve.... You look good"

"I feel good" Dad replies.

"Wow.... You clean up good Mrs Bishop. Looking great. So you went shopping without me.. I knew it.. Its with that girl Lu isn't it. Where is she? " I don't think Rita is aware Lu is close by.

"Hi Rita" Lu greets her not offended at all.

"Oohh.. Hi... Didn't see you there"

" Ohhh Rita" i say, shaking my head.

Dad and Zara just laugh

" You really do look good though" Zara says kissing my hand.

" You went Shopping?" she adds.

"What's with you guys and shopping...? Nick had Lu buy me some new clothes ok"

"Oh, it's Nick now huh?"

"When can we come check it out, remember the photo gala i have to attend. Maybe you can lend me a dress? " Rita asks.

"You know you can have anything that's mine.. But i don't know if i can lend you anything Nick bought though" i respond.

"You can do what you want, they are your clothes after all. Besides, if you like, you can just buy her a new dress with your credit card. I am sure Mr. Nickolas wants you to use it." Lu says from behind me.

"New Dress then... I can pay for it with my own money from my job at the shop"

"That's not the point Ally, I don't want you to spend your hard earned money on a dress. I want you to spend your filthy rich husband's money." Rita says making us all laugh again.

"Besides... I would rather pick one from your closet.. I am sure the clothes there are really high quality branded stuff. You can't afford what i am in the mood for with that cheque you get from Mr. Lee...sorry girl" She adds

"Gee thanks....C'mon, let's go get some hot chocolate" I say to her.

"I'll get it" Lu offers quickly.

"No.. You relax for a bit.... I want to talk to Rita anyway "


"So what's up?" She asks on our to the hospital Cafeteria.

"Judah is back" i say.

"Really, when? have you met with him already?"

"Last night... And yes, he came by this morning"

"What did he say? about Nick?" she asks, stressing the 'Nick' part.

"He is furious...and hurt that i got married and didn't tell him....That i got married at all." i mutter.

Rita scoffs..

"He moved on first"


" What, it's true! He has that girl he is dating... You were going to move on with your life too at some point.... Does he know who you are married to? "

" No... Speaking of which, Nick's Ex is Aarons wife"

"Aaron his brother?? No way?"

"Yep.. And i don't think she likes me either"

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