Chapter 21 - Only For You

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A/N. Picture of Ally's Outfit.

Nickolas' POV

I wake up feeling rested and relaxed.
Ally is still in my arms the same way i arranged her last night, except her behind is digging into my crotch and she is holding onto a pillow and breathing softly. There is just a certain innocence about her that i find so attractive, that keeps drawing me towards her in a way i can't resist.

I lean over her, and place a wet kiss below her ear. She stirs a little but stays asleep. I do it again, but lower towards her neck and she gets started, a little confused at what is happening, but I do it again, reaching one hand inside her shirt and brushing my fingers against the soft bare skin of her stomach. 

So so soft.

"I am not talking to you" She whispers, now fully awake.

"That's ok. This won't require much talking" i murmur.

I kiss her shoulder over the shirt, and attempt to kiss the exposed skin at the base of her neck,  but she stiffens and presses our her hands on my shoulder firmly.

In a flash, i turn her over on her back, and box her in, pushing her legs apart and lying down slowly between them, i lower my head to kiss her more, but then feel her hands pushing hard against my shoulder.  I rest my weight on one elbow and lean to the side a bit ,and look down at her.

"What's wrong" i ask.

"Are you seriously going to ask me that" she mutters.

I know she is probably still mad about last night and i get it....I know for fact that Alaia is not the type of woman who would be comfortable with the kind of arrangement Rhea and i had over the years, and even though i barely know Alaia, i respect her enough not to put her in such a  position. It may not have been my position yesterday, but it is not now.

I grab her thigh and rest it over mine, rubbing my fingers up and down.

"Will you just stop" she murmurs crossly. 

I feel her hands still on my shoulders, her grip firm, and i realize there are not there to embrace me, but to keep me off her.

I sit up straight immediately, and look down at her, while she starts to adjust herself, pulling her shirt down to cover her belly.

I am alot of things, some of which i am not proud of, but i am not the type of man to force himself on a woman. I know when i am not wanted, it may not happen often, but right now, i am clearly not. 

"Listen, i didn't think you would want to stay downstairs seeing how uncomfortable the whole dinner was" i say, trying to explain my reasons for asking Lola to take her away.

"That's not why you had me sent away, and you know it." she mutters bitterly, still lying flat on her back on the bed. 

I run my fingers through my hair and take a deep breathe.

I feel like she is expecting too much from me in such a short period of time.

"Listen, i had a life, and things going on before this i can't just turn certain things off at the drop of a hat" i say in defence.

"So you want to have your cake and eat it too" she whispers.

I just want you.

"I know that in order to be with you, i need to make certain adjustments...." i confess.

"And will you?" she asks almost immediately.

"Will i what?" i ask, moving to lean over her again, boxing her between my arms, but keeping some space between our bodies.

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