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A/N. Above: Picture of Ally's parents.

Alaia's POV

I wake up to the sound of beeps.  My body feels heavy, i can't move a single muscle. I start to feel panicked and my blood pressure shoots up.

"Hey hey, calm down, calm down Ms. Everything is alright" Says a strange voice.

I try to speak but my mouth can't move. 

What's going on? My fear and anxiety starts to rise again and before i know it... I start to lose consciousness again.


I wake up to the sound of Dad and Mum talking. Again my body feels heavy and tired. Even though i can't see, i could always open my eyes when i awake, but something heavy is resting upon my eyes now,  preventing me from opening them, and it freaks me out.

I start to panick again. 

What's going on?

"My love, my love, please calm down. We are here with you, we are at the hospital and you need to calm down please, your blood pressure is going up again" Mum speaks in a soothing voice as she strokes my hand.

I can't move anything again but this time i try to relax. Mum and dad are here, it's alright, i say it like a mantra in my head.

Immediately, my doctor comes in to check on me. 

"Alaia, this is Dr. Patrova. You  must be feeling exhausted and restless, that's normal after having been put under for some time. Just try to relax, soon your body will start to recover and you will have more control of your senses again. 

The operation went well, you have a bandage over your eyes which we need to keep there for a few days. Just relax. Everything is ok. I will be back to check on you soon again." he says softly.

It feels like i am falling and i can not seem to hit rock bottom, and so the anticipation is unsettling, but upon hearing that,  i try to will myself to relax and squeeze mom's hand even tighter, to remind myself that i am not alone.


"I think I like this one better"

"I prefer this one, it's more unique, rare. Mum, what do you think?"

"I think you are making way too much noise" I say, interrupting Sisi and Zara's conversation.

"Ally, you are awake again" They all shout, making my headache worse. 

Ohh yesssss, finally, my body feels better and more awake now.

"Thanks to you guys, so loud. " i complain.

Soon the doctor comes back to check on me again and updates me on how the surgery went once more. We have to wait two days to find out just how successful it was though.

Even though i am used to not being able to see, having a bandage over my eyes is a whole other level of discomfort. It feels like it's wrapped too tight, but the doctor insists it's fine. I feel like i am suffocating and not in control of my own body, but i have to endure it. 

I also have to avoid crying, so i am trying not to get too emotional.


As the two days pass,  it feels like two years. I am getting more and more anxious as we approach 'Judgement day', or as Lola calls it,  'The Awakening'. I can feel the anxiety from everyone else, but we are all trying to keep it together.

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