Chapter 22 - Old Days Gone By

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A/N. Picture of Lu above.

Alaia's POV

Honestly, am freaking out a little bit here. He sure is in for a surprise about my marriage, and he hates surprises. But this here is the mother of all surprises.

"Hai, am Lu, her assistant" Lu introduces herself.

"Assistant huh...ok...I am Jude " he returns.

"When did you get back?" Zara asks, capturing his attention.

"Last night" He grabs my hand and excuses us, then he starts to walk away somewhere.

"I was just about to go in and talk to dad " i say to him, not quite ready to be alone with him yet.

"Ok.. Let's go in then"

"No! I mean... I want to talk to him alone first, there is something i need to talk to him about, privately" i utters.

"Since when do you keep secrets from me? Or are you also going to talk about me?"

"It's just for a minute, you heard what happened to him, and i am just anxious" i reply.

"Ok, say hi" He says, backing off. 

I sigh in relief.

"Thank you, Zee" I call, needing her help me to get inside.

"Hi Dad.." I say holding his hands as soon as we get inside and Zara, leaves us alone.

"Hi baby... You look nice"

"So i hear" I respond.

"What's wrong?" He asks, noting the sadness in my voice.

"Nothing. Jude is back"  i say, as an after thought.

"Oh.... Yeah.. I heard.. His parents came over last night." He says while i fiddle with the ring on my finger.

"Have you two met already" he asks.

"We just did, he is outside right now" i respond.

"Oh honey, what really is the problem" he asks, but isn't it obvious? 

I sigh.

How do i explain this, my ex who is also one of my best friends, just got back into town and during his absence, i go married and didn't tell him, so obviously, he is going to freak out, and Jude being Jude will definitely get mad at me. I hate confrontation and can't stand it when people are upset with me.

Plus, i am not quite sure how to feel about my relationship with Nick  who happens to be the man my father absolutely hates, and i should hate too, and with good reason....I just need a minute, but with so much going on, and now Jude back, i feel a bit overwhelmed.

"Honey??? " Dad calls, still waiting for my explanation.

"I don't know what's wrong with me Dad? " i respond, feeling deflated and guilty, that i allowed some intimacy between me and Nick to happen at all.

"Hey, it's ok" He pulls me in for a hug.

"I am trying to keep a level head.....It's so confusing.. And now it's gotten even more complicated, i think" i say not really explaining anything or making much sense, but somehow dad understands what at getting at and he chuckles.

"Well honey, some things you can't control. That's what i was so afraid of.. Just know that, whatever happens, i am here for you ok?" He says, rubbing my hand.

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