Love is a compass

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Alaia's POV

To say i was shocked to have Angelo carry me back to the car like that would be an understatement. The more time passes the more i realise how similar he is to Nick, hell, they are even closer than blood bothers.

The drive back was silent, the air thick with tension, but every now and then, i would look at Nick, who has his eyes closed and his head is resting on the headrest while his left hand is glued to his hurt side. I can see he is in pain but he doesn't want to show it any emotion on his face.  His breathing is sharp and deep, the only sound in the car. Maybe we should just head back to the hospital, but i keep my mouth shut about it.

I wonder if his would has opened up or something, it looks serious. I can see blood on his clothes. Why are we even going home when he is like that?  I should have just kept my mouth shut, i mentally scold myself, i was going to, but i just snapped when he kept pushing me.

It's just that Yolanda taunting me before we left the hospital left my temper hanging on a thread. I got abit of clarity over my feels after talking to my mum, but am constantly being attacked and its hard not to let it get to my head.

"This is all your fault, i hope you are happy. It's one disaster after another ever since you came into his life, do you even realise the damage you are creating in his life? you are not good for him, when is it going to be enough for you, when my son ends up dead? This will not stop until you get out of his life, so if you care about him at all, leave him" she had managed to say before we got interrupted.

I'm looking through the car window but not really seeing anything at all because my mind is so deep in thought when i feel a warm hand touch mine. I turn my head and find Nick looking at me.

Suddenly the car door opens up from the outside and i realize we have arrived. I guess thats why Nick was trying to get my attention, to tell me we have arrived.

"What the hell happened to you people? did the roof of the car open up or something? Why are you all wet?" Marco asks,eyeing us all.

We step out of the car, and Lola comes running into Nicks arms, hurting his bad side further, i wince as if experiencing his pain myself. Walking into the house we find that everyone has arrived ahead of us and they all come to receive us.

"Nick, are you alright?" Rhea comes forward and tries to hug him.

"I need you to leave, right now. Martial, will you make sure Ms Toscano leaves the ranch immediately" He states and walks away, without waiting for a response from either one of them.

"Ofcourse" Martial replies anyway.

Rhea looks livid. She looks at me like a bull seeing red. I hold my gaze until she storms away upstairs. Probably following after him.

"Hey, are you ok? What happened, Why are you all wet?" mom asks and everyone looks at me waiting for an answer.

I don't know what to tell them. Seeing my hesitation, Rita comes to my rescue.

"Come, you need to get out of these wet clothes before you catch a cold" She says as she pulls me away and we start to walk upstairs with Sienna following behind us.

As we walk towards our bedrooms, i can hear loud talking coming from mine and Nick's room, Which means Rhea did follow Nick after all.


I try to explain as much as i can given the little information i have on the accident to the girls.

"But why are you wet?"

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