Chapter 8 - Traitor

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Nicholas' POV

The rest of the afternoon was spent in meetings. But every now and then, my mind kept wondering off to Alaia. 

She is quite different from what i am used to. She is not intimidated by me, or trying too hard to get me to want her like most women i come across, and that is quite refreshing. Not to mention, I felt a sudden need to protect her, care for her, especially after she talked about how she lost her sight, she looked vulnerable and hurt, and my skin still crawls just thinking about it.

Her father should have never allowed her to be in the position she is in right now, where someone, even me, can easily take advantage of her. It's his duty to protect her, to care and provide for his family, but he has failed. For that, i find him quite appalling.

She is more vulnerable than usual because of her sight, or lack of. 

Man, this is a situation i would never have imagined i would ever find myself in, but here i am, about to marry a stranger i only met yesterday, and a blind one at that. Of all the women i could have been with, it had to be her, it's unbelievable.

But despite her disability, She has quite a high spirit and strength. and the image of her nervously biting her lip comes to mind. That mouth of hers was begging to be kissed. 

Her voice, so innocent, but yet so strong and stubborn, challenging me, something i don't get much of from people around me. 

She looked so beautiful regardless of the simplicity of her clothes, I could look at her all day.

This is crazy, i don't normally react like this to a woman, ever. I have seen it all, the beautiful, not so beautiful, the ones that are uninterested, the one who act uninterested, the ones that play hard to give, and the ones that literally throw themselves at me, i have seen them all and none of it moves me much anymore.....

.......but Alaia is proving to be something else.....she is different, she has no idea who i am, or what i look like, and i doubt she is easily moved by material things that she can't it will be interesting to be with a woman like that, with whom, i feel like i can actually just be myself.

The more i think about this proposal, the more i like the idea, for completely selfish reasons that are unrelated to our current project.

Am meeting Angelo later to look over my contract with her, and now i have decided to make a few changes.


Alaia's POV

I am on my way back to the shop, and my mind is going crazy. I can't believe i agreed to marry him, well kind of agreed. But then again, do i even have a choice?

And i definately do not want to quit a job i have been working there since high school now. Mr Lee gave me a sense of normalcy in my life at a time when no one else did. He is family, it would be in bad taste and seem ungrateful of me to just quit without notice. I can't do that, that's not who i am.

So it is decided, i am not quiting. 

Will just have to see what Nicholas will do about it. I doesn't matter even if i marry him, i would still want to work and keep myself busy, that is not up for discussion.

Then there is the whole wedding proposal, that i have to explain to my family some how. I get a heat rush just thinking about it. It will really be nice not to have all these bills hanging over our heads for a change.  Ever since Mum's cancer, things took a downward spiral and it hasn't gotten easier with time, more bills piled up, and even with the good job dad had, it couldn't cut it. 

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