Chapter 6 - Proposition

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A/N. Picture of El Paraiso

Alaia's POV

We are both quiet as the car pulls into the traffic..I hear him speak on the phone and try to calm myself.

What if they plan to kill me or something, I really don't know these people, they seem pretty desperate. With me taken out of the way, they can easily get the diner right? its possible. Oh my gosh, I don't want to die just yet. I was stupid to come along with him. Dad told me not not mix with these kind of people, yet here I am, going off to God knows where, he is going to kill me himself, if I survive this.

But then again, this man doesn't seem as hostile today, as he did the last time we met at his office. Should I call my parents and let them know where am going, wait, I don't even know where am going.


....and I left my phone back at the shop. What if something bad happens and I need to get back on my own, what will I do then?

As the drive continues, I become increasingly nervous, my imagination going wild. 

but my thoughts are interrupted when I hear him speak to me.

Nicholas' POV

"A penny for your thoughts" I ask her after cutting the call with Angelo.

She looks nervous, pressed up as far away from me as possible against the door. If somebody saw this scene, they would think I had kidnapped her.

"Perhaps I should let my family know where am going and who am with,  you know, just incase they come by the shop and am not there, they will get really worried " She mumbles nervously. 

Not so brave now huh?  I can't help but smile at this scene.

"Relax, you are safe with me, Am not going to do anything to you" Yet, I say, while staring her. I need to teach her a lesson for the way she spoke to me at the office, and yesterday as well. 

A lesson she will never forget. One we will both enjoy.

"Besides, your friend Robert already knows who you are with, and am pretty sure I saw him take down the number plate of this car just like he said he would, so relax, we are just going to talk" I reassure her.

"He only knows who am with, not where am going" she argues. 

I see her confidence is building. At this rate, I may just get to experience her sass by the end of our meeting, that I have been yearning for all day.

"Same thing" I respond.

"It's not the same thing" She grunts and turns her head back towards the window as if looking through it. 

I take the opportunity to study her again.

No makeup like last time, but still beautiful. She doesn't need it I decide . I don't know any woman in my life that goes with little or no makeup, even Lola, my teenage baby sister would rather die, before going out of the house without makeup, so this is quite refreshing to look at.

She is wearing skin tight blue jeans, again, that are showing off her gorgeous figure and that perfectly round bottom Marco was talking about. Yeah, I took the liberty to check for myself when she was entering the car.

She also has on a tight fitting shirt, with the first two buttons in front left open, revealing just a bit of cleavage and the same necklace with a cross hanging around her neck she had on last time. She left the apron she was wearing when I arrived back at the shop on our way out.

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