Not Your Baby

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Nickolas' POV

Walking out of the kitchen into the living room, everyone is quiet, obviously shamelessly eavesdropping on my argument with Ally. I walk out without saying a word, somewhere at the back of my mind i wonder just how much of my relationship with Faith and Zara has been damaged by this. I must admit i have grown to enjoy and appreciate their affection, but i guess it shouldn't matter anyway now that Ally has broken up with me.

I sit on the passenger's sit with the window down and my elbow on the window as Angelo drives us back into the city, Martial is sitting at the back, not our usual arrangement but i wouldn't be bothered about that right now.

My chest is burning, my heart beating wild and fast, my mouth is dry, and my head is spinning. A million thoughts of what i should have said to her come to mind, i feel like i didn't get my point through to her and i ended up saying the wrong things, but she's so stubborn, she makes me loose my mind.

I run my fingers through my hair for the millionth time and stare out the window again. It's always something with her, she took a chance and put herself at risk today, that accident could have been worse, but no, she doesn't understand that, instead am the 'oppressive tyrant, infringing on her freedom. Pshhht.

"El paraiso or penthouse?"  Angelo asks, bringing me out of my thoughts.

" Neither". I answer quickly. I hated sleeping in our bedroom without Ally at el paraiso these past few days, and after what just happened, it will just drive me crazy being there. And the penthouse will be too lonely tonight.

" Rhea's place then?" he snickers.  I know that's an attempted joke but am not in the mood. I give him a short glare and he smiles devilishly.

"Oh c'mon,  lighten up a little bit. At the rate you are going, you will explode any minute now.

I hear Martial chuckle behind us and i sigh.

"Can i crash at your place tonight?" i ask rhetorically. He sighs in response.

"There goes my plans for the weekend" he says with a grin.

Angelo has a six bedroom mansion about fifteen minutes from the city. He rarely stays there though, so as expected, we drive to his uptown two bedroomed apartment. He lives alone.

"Drink?" he offers after i prop myself on the sofa and lie down with my head on the arm rest. I shake my head in response.


Again, i shake my head.

"You need something to relax you, to calm you down" He utters, but honestly, i don't want anything. I want my head clear as i think about what happened.

"Did you hear everything?" i ask sudennly, after a moment of silence between us while he takes his drink.

"Uhhm.. You were both pretty loud" he replies hesitantly. I reckoned they all heard, but i hoped by some chance that they hadn't.

"Did i go too far? " i ask again, making eye contact with him this time, i think i know i did, but again am hoping he will tell me otherwise.

" Eeiish, Nick,...." he hesitates.

"Just be honest with me"

"I think you already know the answer to that" he replies quickly and it sends bile to my throat. I sit up and run my fingers through my hair. I guess i said alot of things i shouldn't have.

Why couldn't she understand that am always just trying to takecare of her,  but she makes me worry so much.

When Eric called to let me know she was not in the house, i got so worried. I thought Nicole was up to something bad. Rita told me where they went but i wasn't convinced. I had to get Martial to track her down through her phone and by then, she was already on her way back home. 

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