Chapter 7 - A rock and a hard place

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Alaia's POV

I open my mouth like a fish out of water.... Is he serious? I mean, his brother said that yesterday but it was too crazy to fathom. I can't believe HE actually wants to do this. These people are out of their minds.

" Yes I do and i don't think he will allow me to do that, if I were to even agree to this crazy proposal" I say,  instead of 'get away from me you lunatic'. 

By the way, i don't even have a boyfriend.

"Well unless he is going to fix your problems, you are going to have to end it now. For the duration of our marriage atleast." he states arrogantly, as if it's a simple thing he is talking about. 

He sounds so conceited, uuhhgg, don't even get me started man.

"It's not his job to pay for anything, besides, money is not the solution to every problem. Some things you can't buy with money" i digress.

"Yeah? like what?" he asks. 


We are straying way from the topic, but i indulge him.

"Like family, like health, even Love." he laughs at my words for the first time, surprising me.

"Well lets see,, family... i already have family, we all have that in a way, it's free of charge after all right, so we will not consider that one.

Health... Yes i can't buy good health, i can buy or afford access to the best health facilities and treatment, and that makes all the difference in the world, you would know that better than anyone." I imagine he is referring to my mum.

"As for love, well, that is quite subjective, depends on what one is looking for.. I can enjoy a relationship without love just as much as the next loved up couple, am not really the emotional type.

Plus because am rich, i can have any woman i want anytime, and you know why? Because women respond to money, so that's not a factor. So basically Alaia, for a man like me, there isn't much money can't do, if you have enough of it sweetheart, and i do" he says arrogantly.

"Wow..... how humble" I respond before i can help myself.

Am not quite sure how to respond to that much arrogance, or even where to start, so i just stay quite.

Fortunately, Leah comes back to let us know lunch is already ready, and has been served in the dining room, and she wants to find out if we still want our tea now or after lunch.

He reaches for my hand trying to help me up.

"Let's have lunch first, then we can continue this conversation later? " I suddenly get anxious trying to imagine who else will be there, and the formality of it all. 

It always makes me very nervous to eat in front of strangers.

The Bishops are the last people I want to dine with, i would rather go hungry and eat back at the shop. And what if his brothers are around too, that would be even more awkward after what happened yesterday.

"You know am really not very hungry after all" i try to convince him again.

"If you can just send me back to the shop, i will really appreciate that. I will think about what you just said and get back to you once i decide.." i quickly add, pulling my hand out of his grasp.

He sighs audibly.

" Thanks Leah, we will eat in the dinning room" he says sending her away.

Did he not just hear a word i said?

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