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Nickolas' POV

After my talk with dad, I contemplate going to Ally's house even though it will be pretty late by the time i get there due to the evening traffic, but after checking in with Elizabeth, i feel discouraged to do so. Ally has taken an early night and i might end up disturbing her rest instead.

I guess it's going to be one more night without seeing her, so with a cigarette between my lips, i kill time on the balcony of our bedroom. It's a habit i want to completely break, especially since Ally absolutely hates it, but I feel restless and she isn't here, so why not.

I am glad to have atleast made progress with the business, we concluded things with the new business partner, Pablo Ortega, so atleast i don't have to worry about work so much for now. Everything else, i will have to take a day at a time.


Alaia's POV

I thought i would be happy living here again, but it feels so different now. For some reason i feel like am not supposed to be here.

But it does have it's perks though, like being around Zara and my parents all the time, although it doesn't make up for how much i miss Nick. After spending every day and night for a week and a half alone with him, being seperated from him for days now feels almost unbearable.

However, we have talked on the phone every morning and evening since i left the hospital, but the conversations are always brief and mostly centered on my health, basically how am feeling, if am eating right, am i resting enough etc.

On the other hand, am being spoilt rotten here, mum is cooking all kinds of food to help me discover what will get past my nausea, so far, the only things i enjoy eating are confectioneries, otherwise everything else is giving me a constant headache and a feeling of weakness after throwing up each and every time.

Hence, i end up spending most of my time in bed. I wanted to continue with my tutorials but I can't bring myself to concetrate on anything, so am resigned to watching movies but i end up falling asleep half way through that aswell.

As usual, Liz is the first person to wake me up in the morning. She helps me to get ready even though am quite able to do it myself. She is so at home here that it feels like she has always been a part of the family. Mum is enjoying her company the most.

I like the mornings, its my favorite time of the day, i wake up feeling energetic and pumped for the day, although my mood drops afterwards as the nausea, and general weakness intensifies as the day wears off. The doctor tells me this is normal for some women during the first trimester.

When i get to the kitchen, in my short black high waist skirt and loose red crop top that still covers my belly, i find my mum, Elizabeth and Dad in a hurdle staring at something on the phone.

"Goodmorning" i murmur and they all look up abruptly, startled by my presence.

"Whats wrong" i ask, looking at their worried faces.

Dad walks up to be by the kitchen sink and hands me mum's phone.

"Zara sent this to your mother from school, its from some gossip site." he explains with a frown.

I look at the screen.

"What does it say" i ask refering to the words captioning the picture and the small text below it.

"Something about old habits dying hard. Am sorry, did we do the right thing to show you? It's kind of spreading like wildfire." he appologises.

I shrug.

"I am sure it's not what it looks like. " i say.

I see them exchange a few glances but they decide to drop the matter anyway.

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