Chapter 20 - Just like before

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A/N. Picture of the gym in El Paradiso.

Alaia's POV

Rhea. That's the woman Yolanda was talking about right?

"Hi darling...." Rhea responds to Nick, and i stiffen too besides him.

"What the hell are you doing here" Nick asks. He doesn't sound too happy to see her here though.

"Now honey, don't be rude... that's no way to speak to our guest. I invited her..besides, she has had dinner here countless times, this is not strange" Yolanda's voice echoes in the room.

Great,  it's good to know that Yolanda has a team mate. Now this night will get even more awkward.

Nicks walks us further in the room, am assuming towards our seats.

"You are in her seat" He says. I presume he is talking to Rhea.

"I always sit here" she protests sweetly.

"Not anymore" i can feel the tension building in the room now.

"It's fine.  Lola, can i sit next to you" I say, hoping to ease the tension and end this awkwardness. 

After all, am only his pretend wife, and this is the woman he actually has been seeing.

Against better judgement, my mind brings to memory our passionate moment from earlier today, and i feel a ping of jealousy.

"You are Nick's wife and it only makes sense that you should sit next to him" Lola responds instead.

However,  Rhea clearly refuses to move, because we continue to just stand there.

"Honey, let's not cause a scene uuhhmm. There are plenty of other empty chairs at the table, Alaia can take one of them. Rhea is already sitting down, it would be in bad taste to ask our guest to get up, don't you agree Alaia" Yolanda says, putting me on the spot.

"Ofcourse. Am sure Nick and  i can sit somewhere else tonight. After all, like you said, she is a guest and we wouldn't want to make her feel uncomfortable" I reply politely.

It's not what  Yolanda expected me to say, but i don't want her thinking she can walk all over me.

 I hear a giggle from somewhere.

After we sit down with Nick to my right and i feel a tap on my left shoulder.

"That was awesome....We are going to get along just fine" Marco whispers.

I smile. I think i like Nick's siblings very much.


Dinner is obviously awkward,  especially for me. Yolanda makes sure of that. She keeps bringing up old memories, and talking about past dinners and any other memories involving Nick and Rhea that she could think of before someone would try to change the subject. I am way passed my depth in this, i can't believe i got myself into this. Nick on the other hand is stiff and quiet and it makes me wonder what is going through his head.

Is he mad that i made his girlfriend or whatever she is to him feel uncomfortable. Then again why did he kiss me like that earlier today if he cared for her. Is he regretting that too? Maybe he just felt sorry for me, that's why he did it. 

Now i am just mad at myself for being so easy. Am i catching feelings for him already?


"Lola, can you escort Ally upstairs" I hear Nick say bringing me out of my thoughts a couple of minutes after diner is over.

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