Chapter Nineteen

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“Do you want to go out today?”

She slowly dropped the dish she was washing into the rack, humming as she thought. “Will Oliver come with us?”

I groaned internally. Why did she always want Oliver to come along? Don't get me wrong, I love him but I wanted some alone time with Alyssa.

“I'm sure he can stay here.” I told her, praying that she didn't say anything else.

“Are you sure? He can come with us, I don't mind.”

But I do. “My grandparents have been wanting to spend time with him for so long, I'm sure even a few hours wouldn't be enough for them.” I tried.

She looked past me. I followed her gaze and looked through the door to see Oliver laughing as Grandad threw him in the air and caught him while my grandmother yelled at him to be careful. Oliver was having fun and even though I knew he would if he were to go out with us, I didn't want to take this away from him.

Oliver sadly didn't have friends his own age and it wasn't all the time I could play with him. There would be times that he'd tell me how much he missed living with my grandparents and that he wanted to see them. I felt sorry for him. Going out with Alyssa today wasn't only for my benefit, it was also so Oliver could spend quality time with his great grandparents.

She sighed, looking back to me. “Where are we going?”

My lips broke out into a grin. “I'm going to take you on a tour of London.”


I drove down the road I knew like the back of my hand with Alyssa in the passenger seat of the car. We were headed to our first destination, the Kew gardens. I'd been there many times, it was a beautiful place and I was sure Alyssa would love it.

I found a good spot in the parking lot and helped her get out of the car. She looked around curiously, her eyes lighting up with admiration.

“You brought me to the Royal botanical gardens?” She was excited, her grin said it all.

“How do you know this place?”

“I've read all about it. It's also called the Kew gardens and holds some of the rarest of flowers in Britain.” She answered excitedly. “I've always wanted to come here.”

“Well, it's a good thing I thought of this place first. Let's go.” I took her hand in mine, walking us to the gate.

We booked a tour that started in thirty minutes and spent the time we had admiring the well kept flowers. Well, Alyssa admired them while I just agreed with whatever she said. The tour was boring but Alyssa loved it so I couldn't show that I wasn't interested in the slightest in what the tour guide was saying. It took about an hour and a half but it was over.

Thankfully our next destination will be more interesting. It was a nice day, cold but okay for a stroll. We had sweaters on and I had a coat on. I asked Alyssa to put one on but she said she was fine. I admit I was so eager to go out that I didn't press her to wear one. I was starting to regret that decision.

Soon, we were along the banks of the banks of the Little Venice canal. I knew from experience that it was a great place to walk around and have a peaceful and meaningful conversation with someone.

“So what are we doing here?” She asked as we began to walk.

I shrugged, taking her small hand in mine. “I just thought a walk would be nice.”

She didn't say anything else and walked with me. There was a comfortable silence as Alyssa studied our surroundings.

We had passed a bridge before she spoke again. “It's beautiful here.”

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