Chapter Thirty

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I tried to work but my mind was preoccupied. Alyssa was home alone today as Oliver is in school. He was so excited to start at Harview Academy, the school Alyssa and I concluded on. It had a kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school so if we were happy with what he was learning, he'd probably continue his education with them.

I didn't know how Alyssa was spending her day. I had given her a laptop and encouraged her to pursue writing but I don't think she will. Writing is tied to her parents in a way and I don't think she want to try it again. Maybe I should check up on her.

Hi, Love. I sent, hoping she wasn't busy.

After waiting a couple of minutes, I went back to my work. The hotel's construction is supposed to start soon and I was looking over the blueprints and possible designs. Maybe Alyssa could help me, woman have a knack for designs don't they?

I heard my phone chime and hurriedly picked it up with hopes that it was Alyssa. Hey. It was her. Sorry, I was in the shower.

I had to distract myself from the idea of Alyssa naked. It's okay. I wanted to check on you. How are you doing?

I'm okay. Really bored though.

I frowned at that. There was so much in the house that could entertain her, why wasn't she doing them? I hope she doesn't feel like she's not supposed to. It's her home as much as mine.

I decided to call her. I knew she wouldn't mind and I wouldn't mind hearing her voice. “Hi. Is there anything wrong at home?” I asked after she picked up.

“No,” She replied. “I'm just really bored, there's nothing to do.”

I have paid for the Netflix right? I'll have to check. “Have you tried writing something?”

I heard her sigh. “Nathan, I don't think I can.”

“Why not?”

“It's nothing really.”

“Yeah, right.” The disbelief was obvious in my voice.

“I miss Oliver. The house is so quiet without him.” She diverted.

“So you don't miss me? That hurts.” I teased, a smile playing on my lips.

I could already imagine her face reddening on hearing that. “No, I do. I really do.”

Hearing that made me smile wider. Alyssa brought me a kind of happiness I hadn't had in a while. I loved that we were trying a romantic relationship, I just hope I don't mess it up, I don't want her to leave me.

“I miss you too.” I confessed. She's the reason I haven't been able to get any work done all morning, I was thinking about her. “And Oliver too, of course.”

She giggled. The sound made my heart flutter. “When are we picking him up, again? I wanna hear all about his day.”

Her excitement made me chuckle. “I'm sure he'll have a lot to say.” He always does. “His dismissal is 2pm.”

Three hours away.

“That's too long!” She whined childishly.

I laughed again. We talked casually for a few more minutes before she hung up. I still had that grin on my face when Jacob came in.

“Looks like someone had a good night.” He taunted with a smirk.

I did have a good night but not in the way he thinks. Sleeping next to Alyssa was enough to help me sleep better.

Love Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن