Chapter Eleven

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It was Friday, the day before Saturday which was supposed to be the day of Nathan and I's date but I wasn't sure if it was going to happen anymore. Since the dinner with his parents, Nathan has been recluse. He's barely at the house and I... miss him, so does Oliver.

He's always asking about his dad and I don't really have an answer for him. Most of the time I say he's working or asleep and he seems to be accept it but I had a feeling that he felt rejected and lonely. I had to step up my game as his stepmom.

“Oliver?” I called as I entered his room. “Oliver?”

“Yeah?” He answered, rolling over on his bed to look at me.

“I was just about to go shopping, I was thinking maybe you could come with me.” I suggested. “We could get some ice cream on the way back.”

He perked up at the mention of ice cream with a small smile. “Can I get mint chocolate chip?”

“Anyone flavor you want.”

“Ice cream!” He cheered, jumping off his bed. “I'll put on my shoes and jacket.”

He rushed to put his shoes on while I went to the living room to get my phone. To my surprise, Julia, Nathan's sister, was sitting on one of the couches, sipping some orange juice.

She smiled when she saw me and put her juice down. “Hi, Alyssa.”

“Hi, Julia. What are you doing...?” I was interrupted by a cheerful Oliver.

“Aunt Julie!!” Then he ran to her, jumping on the couch to hug her.

“How are you, my little gumdrop?” She pinched his cheeks.

“I'm not little anymore.” Oliver stated, a bright red coloring his cheeks.

“You'll anyways be my little gumdrop, no matter how much you grow.”

“So are you coming with us?”

“Us?” She looked at me with confusion.

“Oliver and I were going out.” I explained.

“Nathan said I should watch Oliver while you go out, he gave me this to give you.” She held up a black card, Nathan's no doubt, and placed it in my hand.

“But I want to go.” Oliver whined.

“How about, you come with us, Julia?”  I suggested.

God knows I need a woman to help me decide on the dress.

“Yes, come with us Aunt Julie, please.” Oliver pleaded with a pout. If I were Julia I wouldn't be able to say 'no'.

“Fine.” Julia agreed. “Nathan's going to regret giving me his card, though.”

Then we were in her car on our way to any store that was within my budget. I wasn't going to use Nathan's card. He had done so much for me knowingly and unknowingly. I didn't want to depend on him more than I already did.

“Right here's okay.” I told Julia, spotting a small store, one that I got most of my clothes from.

Julia stopped the car and stared at the place for like two minutes before she simply said. “No.” Then she started the car again.

“What's the problem with that store?” I inquired.

She laughed at first then glanced at me, her smile fading. “Oh, you're serious.” I nodded. “You don't really go there to shop, do you?”

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