Chapter Six

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“No, stop, please.” I begged Christopher as he stalked closer.

“Shut up, whore.” He slapped me again. “Bringing boys to my home now, huh?”

I shook my head vehemently. “No, I wasn't, Carlo offered me a ride home, that was it.”

“You've opened that big mouth of yours, haven't you?” He kicked me in the gut and I fell, clutching my stomach as I shuffled closer to the wall. “I asked a question!”

He grabbed my shoulders and shoved me into the wall.

“No, I swear, I didn't tell him anything.” I rushed out.

You're a worthless bitch. No one will ever want you, understand?” I hesitated but nodded nonetheless, letting his words sink in.

No one will ever want me.


I groaned as I opened my eyes. Because of the blinding lights from the ceiling and the fact that it was swollen, it took a while. When I was finally able to, I surveyed my surroundings. I was in a hospital room obviously and for obvious reasons. The only I wondered was what I would have to tell doctors and possibly police officers when they asked how I got my injuries.

It was a few minutes later when someone, a nurse, entered the room.

“Oh, you're up?” She said, surprised. “I'll go get the doctor.”

She left and returned a few minutes later with a man who looked in his mid-thirties and wore a white lab coat and a stethoscope around his neck. He gave me a friendly smile as he approached.

“Good to see you awake, Miss Jordan, your family was very worried about you.”

Family? Worried? What was he talking about?

“Let me check your vital signs.” I flinched as he came closer, much too fast for my liking. He must've noticed my movement and the alarm in my eyes and said reassuringly. “Calm down, Miss Jordan, I am here to help you not harm you.”

I let him do what he was doing, co-operating as he checked what he needed to, saying something to himself and humming occasionally as he scribbled on his clipboard.

“Your bruises are healing well, five of your ribs were fractured but should be okay in a matter of weeks and your nose thankfully wasn't broken only bloody.” If I could I would sigh in relief. “There was some damage done to your trachea so talking will be a little difficult, I would recommend you refrain from talking for a few days.” I only gave a slight nod. “I'll call your family in, your fiancé will be pleased to see you doing so well.”

Fiancé? Was he nuts or what?

I was left alone for a few minutes before the door opened and Christopher, Rebecca and Hailey came in, all having disgusted looks on their faces. Well, Christopher looked more angry than disgusted.

Being around them always scared me. I never knew exactly what they were going to do to me but I knew it wouldn't be anything good. And just like always I was petrified.

“Thank God, you're awake Alyssa.” Hailey said with obvious sarcasm. “Your fiancé nearly brought the heavens down to make sure you were alright.”

My eyebrows furrowed as she spoke. I didn't have a boyfriend to begin with so who was I supposed to marry?

Hailey's expression morphed as she became angrier, her voice rising a few octaves as she yelled. “Don't give me that look as if you don't know what you did! Nathan Graham was mine before you bewitched him! I should have killed you when I could!”

That was when it all came back to me. Nathan Graham had chosen to marry me instead of Hailey to fulfill the contract and I was punished for it.

“Hailey, be quiet.” Her mother admonished. “This is a hospital, people are always around, someone could hear you.”

Hailey rolled her eyes but thankfully shut up. Christopher's glare trained on me as I looked frightfully in his direction.

He turned away from me to speak to his daughter.“Your mother is right, Hailey, we have to play the loving family until she is discharged.” His eyes were back on me with anger swirling in the green pools. “We will deal with her when we get home.”

Hailey was about to say something before the door opened and Nathan Graham walked in along with two men behind him, one being a policeman. To say we were all shocked was an understatement. We definitely didn't expect the police to be involved.

“Hello, Alyssa.” He greeted with his usual British accent and I smiled in return.

Hailey put on her billion-dollar smile directed right at Mr Graham. He didn't acknowledge her, his eyes only on me. This really upset Hailey by the way she sneered and rolled her eyes at me.

“How are you feeling?” Mr Graham asked me, coming to stand closer to the bed.

I merely shrugged after trying to speak but only managing to give a small wheeze. He nodded his head in understanding and gestured to the two that came in with him.

“This is Jacob West, a friend of mine.” Mr West, who had short blonde hair and brown eyes, smiled sympathetically at me. “And he is officer Dallas, he was supposed to get your statement so the investigation could begin but I guess that would have to wait.”

“What investigation?” Hailey dared to ask.

Nathan turned to her with obvious displeasure in his eyes and answered. “An investigation on what happened of course. We have to find out how she got these bruises because it doesn't look like she was in an accident.”

“Obviously not, but isn't it best for us to conduct this investigation when she is discharged?” Rebecca suggested and Mr Graham nodded after a little hesitation. I also agreed it would give me some time to figure out a story that would seem reasonable enough.

“We would need to take some pictures, for evidence of course.” The policeman said in his gruff voice, lifting the camera he held.

Mr Graham nodded again and looked at me with a kind smile. “I think that should be done when she can stand.”

I couldn't help but to agree. I wanted no one to have pictures of my body, for investigative purposes or not.

Mr Graham glanced at his watch and sighed. “I have to leave now, I suggest you get some rest, Alyssa.”

He stalked closer to me and bent to be level with my ear and whispered. “I'll be back soon.”

His hot breath fanned my neck as he spoke, making my cheeks colour. He then placed a lingering kiss on my cheek before he rose, winking at me with a charming smile.

I could smell his cologne even after he left. The expensive smell of sandalwood lingered in the air as he strolled casually out of the door with his friend and the policeman.

With a flushed face, I was left thinking. What have I gotten into

Author's Note

I know this chapter is dedicated to TvishaBansal. Thanks for your support. You're awesome.


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